Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Stupidest Men on the Face of the Earth

Which tiny group of men has lost the retirement of millions of Americans in just a few weeks? The incompetence of which tiny group of men has led to the nationalization of one of the major sectors of the economy? Which tiny group of men just borrowed 2 trillion dollars from the taxpayers and refuse to even say where the money went? The answer to all of these questions is "Bankers".

Take a minute and think of how inept these financial geniuses are. The average homeowner refinances or moves every 6 years, thus taking out a new 30 year loan. Housing has fallen a little, but not much. (Price houses if you don't believe me.) Loans are front-loaded with interest costs so that almost no principal is paid during much of the life of the loan. So if you take a $100,000 loan out, pay $10,000 dollars back the first year and only $1,000 dollars are principal, you still owe $99,000 dollars. So to borrow $1,000 dollars, you paid $9,000 in interest. So in reality, you paid 900% interest. Have you ever heard of any other industry making 900%? And yet these blights on humanity STILL managed to go broke.

Which means 2 things. Somebody made and kept a lot of money. It wasn't me or you. It was the handful of top bankers. And now they want you and me to take over their debts and toxic investments. Burn in hell, bankers! And second, the government goons are just as bad because they are part of this biggest swindle in history. Burn in hell, politicians.

And since the only people who have all these billions and trillions are bankers and politicians, that makes you and me the stupidest people on the face of the earth. Because we let them do it. And there is nothing you can do about it when 40% of the population can't even feed themselves (make so little they don't even pay income tax) and over 55% get the majority of their monthly money from the government (you and me, assuming you have a job and aren't smart enough to be a banker, a politician or a welfare recipient). And when B. Hussein Obama and the liberal Congress grant amnesty to 20 million more leftist, welfare recipients (Even the "good" illegal alien is a net drain on the economy), we will never again have even close to enough citizens who will vote for fiscal restraint and jail for the bankers, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd (heads of the committees that are responsible for oversight of the financial sector).

Did I say bankers were the stupidest people on the face of the earth? I guess I was wrong. We are.

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