Thursday, September 04, 2008

Some Thoughts on Operation Gladio

I had a Bishop while I was at BYU who had a son who had been blown up in a terrorist attack on a train station in Italy in 1978. (Bologna?) Poor old Bishop Garold Davis, Chairman of the English and Language Department, had been working to get this son back to full activity in the LDS church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). The son was travelling through Europe during a summer when there were lots of terrorist bombings. I spent that same summer in Europe and was always running into problems like being turned back from going into Spain due to the Basque terrorists blowing up the tracks. The Italian Communists were particularly nasty. This poor kid wondered why he was nearly killed if he was living a good life. The old "why do bad things happen to good people" question. Terrorists suck.

Turns out that many of the acts of terrorism that summer of discontent were actually driven by the US government via the CIA and Operation Gladio. The CIA had stashes of arms and lots of agents in place in almost every European Country in case of take-over by the Russians. At least that was the plan. In practice, there were committed people who would follow almost any order that would hurt the communists. Now exactly who ordered what and why is murky and will never be known, but what is clear is that in Italy, most if not all of the bombings were done by these forces of Operation Gladio. So Bishop Davis' son was nearly killed by the US government.

Now most of you reading this will not believe it. Or at least you will never have heard of this. It's fairly common knowledge in Europe. You can find lots of mentions of it in the various hard-core conspiracists like Alex Jones' Infowars and the like, but most people have been taught that these are tin-foil hat wearing kooks. Look it up yourself. Read John Berendt's (author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil) book on Venice "The city of Falling Angels". It has a few pages on the prosecutor who unearthed and made public much of the Italian information, though it was well-known to government and spy services.

The point of these assasinations was to make them look like they were done by the communists so that public opinion would turn against the communists and also, and more importantly, to make people stop questioning shady government doings since the stakes were so high and the world was so dangerous. These are called "false flag" operations. There are lots of them, and we probably don't even know most of them. One of the most notorious was the nuclear attack on Hawaii by Russia on March 7, 1969. You say you haven't heard of it? Look it up. The russians got a Chinese sub and launched a nuclear missile at Hawaii to try and get us and China into a war. The missile blew up on launch. Why does almost no one know this?

Again, don't believe me; Look it up for yourselves. But what I find fascinating and scary is the response that people have to this kind of information. Most of you will think I'm a kook and stop reading. And that will be that. You will block this out each time you hear it and tell yourself that you read this kooky stuff before and it's all nonsense. Most people will nod when you say this and you can all feel good together as you call everyone else kooks.

And that's why the world is not only in such bad shape, but will keep getting worse.

A few will look into this. Since it is certain and true, it will actually be quite easy to learn this. Then the majority of these will shrug their shoulders and turn on Oprah Winfrey.

A very few will use this information to guide their political behavior. They will stop voting Democrat and Republican since both parties have the same policies - though the Republicans talk as if they don't. And then these people will be marginalized. They and their children will be ignored and mistreated. People will say incredibly insulting things without thinking because they are just kooks after all.


Doesn't the truth matter anymore? It is as if most of the world is unable to join action to knowledge. You can take someone and prove this kind of stuff to them. You can show them reputable sources. You can even get them to say that these things are evil and we need to change the government and hold the criminals responsible. And then they will vote for bigger government and more welfare benefits by electing the same criminals as long as the criminals keep promising more plunder for the voter.

Look this one up too. The recent Chinese earthquakes either cause or were caused by massive explosions in the chinese nuclear facilities. Check it out. There are pictures of massive concrete chunks coming up from underground facilities. Why do you think the Chinese kept everyone out? Why do you think they mobilized tens of thousands of troops to these areas? Again, don't believe me. Check it out yourself.

Why isn't this on every newpaper, TV program and everyone's lips?

I have no good advice to the novice to this kind of information. It is like taking a punch to the gut if you are an average patriotic American. If you are the average liberal American, your eyes will gloss over and you will turn back on your TV and put that B. Hussein Obama sticker on your car. Again, I have no advice for you. You can try and educate those around you but you will even find your loved ones eyes gloss over and they change the subject. How 'bout those Cowboys?

We have been lied to, indoctrinated, murdered and cheated for nearly a hundred years by our own government. And that is not going to change anytime soon.

But there is a just God who watches over human affairs. Many Americans from the Pilgrims on down to the Mormons have the idea of a covenantal relationship between the inhabitants of this land and God. And if we as a nation break this covenant, all deals are off.

As we sink into the abyss, we can live our lives as best we can - we can try and teach those around us to see with clear eyes - we can prepare for coming problems by getting out of debt and storing some food and supplies - and we can pray for deliverance. But I have a sinking suspicion that deliverance will only come to those who deserve it, and we as a nation have little right to expect it living as we are.

I watched on the news here in Utah about a car dealer who was told that collecting the rain from the roof of his showroom and storing it so he could use it to wash cars was illegal. Government even owns the waters that falls from heaven. Can it be much longer before Government believes it even owns and controls heaven?

Think about what I've said. Then join the John Birch Society and the Constitutional Party and other such organizations. Maybe it's not too late. But if it is, and I fear it is, maybe we can at least stir up a little trouble before the end. Whatever that may be. Vincet Veritas and Long Live the Republic!

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