Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sic transit Gloria Mundi

During the last week I have spoken with multiple people who are smart and wealthy who are happy about the loss of our economic freedom and are for the new dictatorship that controls the economy. This dictatorship, called TARP, was set up by the emergency economic stabilization act and consists of the Secretary of the Treasury (as a former top guy in one of the big investment firms that caused this collapse, he is the last guy to put in charge), the board of the Federal Reserve (Bernanke is another of the people responsible for this mess), and various other underlings. There is no oversight - just a requirement to eventually tell Congress what they have done.

The scary thing is that the people with whom I have spoken, some flaming liberals and others right wingers, (none of whom even knew any of the details of the bailout) all said something along the lines of "I'm glad we have no power over these new economic dictators because now maybe they can fix things".

And so, we're dead. They really have no principles and no love of freedom. All that matters is that the government exist to keep their money. And they will give up anything to see that happen - their rights, their freedoms, anything. They will give up your rights and freedoms also. Whatever it takes to keep them wealthy. To think, we were once a people whose elected representatives said things (and meant them) like "Give me liberty, or give me death". Do you know how idiotic that sentiment would sound to the average American today?

In a sense, I find this fascinating because the fruits of this kind of surrender will be ever more dictatorial policies. What is to be blamed? Well first of all, we are. We surrendered to this relativism based on the principle "You can get anything you want in this world for money". We surrendered the education of our children and adults to a system that tolerated everything but God and Truth. No school prayer, you can't even hand out cub scout fliers at the school. But you can have a club based on perversion. You can kill unborn children by the millions. You can marry based on nothing more than a shared perversion. We let our institutions be taken over by the enemy and when warned, we turned against and marginalized the John Birch Society, the Eagle Forum and the like.

Our leaders who ought to (and do) know better deserve lots of blame also. Our judges mostly deserve hanging. I hope to live long enough to see many of them swinging from scaffolds built in front of our courthouses as examples to our new judges. I'll bet if we hung the worst supreme court justices right on the steps of the Supreme Court the rest would act a lot different.

What to do? As always, the best we can. Teach our children the truth. Reach out to the remnant who still have enough of the divine spark in them to recognize truth when they hear it. Pray. And position ourselves to withstand the coming storms. Get out of debt. Pay off cars and houses. Store food, water and fuel. And most importantly, start keeping the commandments. "Where the spirit of God is, there is liberty". And 2 Chronicles 7.14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

But if we don't "repent", then we can expect no healing.


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