Friday, September 26, 2008

Constitution Officially Ends With Bail-Out of Wall Street Crooks

Sounds alarmist, doesn't it? But explain how the Constitution still applies. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows the Congress to give authority to a private bank (Called the Federal Reserve to obfuscate the fact that it is owned by the same crooks who own the rest of the banks and financial institutions) to regulate our money and financial system. Congress invented that authority out of thin air when they established the Federal Reserve in 1916. They have authorized multiple financial schemes since then. But they were never granted that authority. Even if you suppose that Congress was granted that power by broadly misinterpreting Section 8 of the first clause that grants Congress power to coin money and control its value, Congress has that power, not the Directors of the Federal Reserve who cannot be fired by the Congress.

Now Congress wants to use 700 billion dollars (from where?) to buy useless "assets" and "debt" to save some large financial institutions that have cheated and lied for years. Did you know that Fannie May invents "securities" based on nothing other than numbers written on a balance sheet (not even backed up by bad mortgages), and then sells them to themselves at a marked up price and lists this as a "profit"? And they have done this for years. And if these "assets" were really assets, then couldn't they be sold to someone else? But they can't be since they are worthless. So then why are they called "assets"? There is no constitutional authority for any of this. So throw out freedom and rule of law if at any time you can be forced to pay for schemes to finance at a whim anyone or any company without ever being consulted and without ever having granted the powers to control your own property to Congress?

So no property rights now exist. Right to life? Not if you're a baby with your head still in the uterus. Liberty? To do what? You can't fly without government permission. You need "papers" just as surely as those in Communist Russian or Nazi Germany. You can't work without signing up to have taxes seized from your salary. You can't even take more than a certain amount of your money out of the bank. Your safe deposit box can be seized at any time, just like they were in the depression. Did you know that the contents of many of these boxes have still not been returned to their owners or their heirs? Even hard assets like gold can be seized like they were in the depression. Government can set your pay, your payments or anything else they want. This was established by Nixon when he froze wages and prices in 1973. So there is no liberty, no property, no pursuit of happiness.

How about fundamental other rights like defense? Not in the US. Since the Supreme Court decision of this summer, the "shall not be infringed" part of the second amendment has been declared inoperative - by the "conservative" wing of the Supreme Court no less.

I could go on and on. The point is that there is no part of the Constitution that is in force, and everyone who is supposed to protect it - all three branches of the government - ignore it so completely that it is worthless.

And so as we watch government steal your money to give to crooked bankers and con-men, it is time to acknowledge what has gradually crept up on us - you have no Constitutional rights.

But all is not lost. The Constitution never granted any rights, it only enumerated a few and provided a list of a few things that we elected to let government do. The true source of our rights (according to our founding document) is the "Creator". And He has never surrendered the granting of rights to any government or Federal Reserve. Maybe it's time we remembered that and got rid of these government scum that think they can take our rights. Peacefully if possible, and forcibly if necessary. (Just kidding. I welcome the loss of my freedoms and say frequently to anyone who will listen - It's about time.) Long Live the Republic! Vincet Veritas!

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