Friday, October 17, 2008

School Indoctrination

I went to lunch with a friend today and we both mentioned our children. My most recent interaction with my children was with my 8 year old, driving him to school that morning. Somehow, he has absorbed the Obama garbage and thinks he will save the world. I don't talk politics with my 8 year old. I teach him reading and math (since the school doesn't), honesty, telling the truth, respect for adults and love of the Savior. Where does an 8 year old get indoctrinated? He doesn't watch much TV and what he does watch are cartoon shows.

You know and I know that the "where" is public school, and mostly it is from teachers who are pro-Obama. And so I explained to my 8 year old that Obama was a socialist who wants to take his daddy's money and spread it around to others who don't work as hard as I do. I explained that this is already happening and that is why I work late and Saturday's. I explained that Obama believes in telling others what to do. I explained that Obama is a racist, a bigot, a liar and a crook. And then I told him that Obama's ideas were un-American and evil. And then I said that many teachers at school were mixed up and that they should be ignored.

My friend then told me of his 11 year old who had learned the same thing. He likewise taught his 11 year old the truth about American principles and Obama.

Then we both realized that if our children have been caught in the socialist trap of public schools, what about other children? Who will tell them the truth? Schools carefully avoid teaching American principles. In all my years of teaching the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge to Boy Scouts not one has ever been able to tell me the source of our rights according to the Declaration of Independence (the Creator, in case you've been educated in the Public School system). Isn't that pathetic? And it will get worse.

We both hung our heads in silence and grief for a minute. Here in the USA, our children were indoctrinated just like in Russia and China. And there was nothing we could do about it. Law suits have been lost just recently in Massachusetts and California that even prevent a parent from taking their child out of classes teaching that moral perversion is OK. And in case you've never butted heads with the public indoctrination system, it is guaranteed that your kids will suffer if you complain or become known as a conservative who wants school choice via vouchers.

And the majority of your neighbors like it this way. Oh, they may agree that perversion is wrong and that the Americanism should be taught but they will keep right on voting against vouchers or choice in education

Is there hope? Yes, but it's not going to be pleasant. Hope consists only in our civilization and government falling. Yes, you heard me right. Only if people are suffering economically and politically will they change. And our government now exists to protect evil. It protects porn, criminal aliens, thieving bankers, public school teachers who pollute our children's minds, perverts who marry based solely on a shared perversion, and on and on.

And if you have any doubts about what kind of society we have become, look up the latest on Governor Palin. Look up the names she is called, not just by the local liberal kooks, but by main-stream political operatives and news people. Look up Bill Maher. Who made a joke about Palin's pregnant teenage child. You simply can't sink any lower than that. Then look up any condemnation of this from the mainstream media. Look up the obscene chants that often greet her. Look up the reports on her investigation about firing a rogue cop. Instead of noting that her underling not only didn't follow the governor's orders but didn't investigate the reason for the firing, the democrat investigation committee investigates not the criminal or the politicians who protected him, but the Governor who finally fired him! Simple fulfillment of Bible prophecy about good being called evil and evil good.

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