Monday, September 08, 2008

Dressing Up a Pig

John McCain is a liberal who doesn't deserve to be President any more than B. Hussein Obama. They both have almost identical policies. War? They are both saying that we will keep a presence in Iraq and draw down. They may quibble about how many troops and how fast, but they both have the same position. Abortion? Both are pro-abortion based on their voting records - though Obama would allow infanticide too. Spending? Both are for it for various reasons. Cuts in government? Neither has any plans for this.

But McCain (the pig I'm referring to in the title) has dressed himself up by picking Palin. Palin seems to be a pretty good conservative. Pro-life. But McCain is still the top guy and Palin will have to support him, not McCain supporting Palin and conservatives.

Palin has shown some conservative opinions but I look at her treatment of marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion as a harbinger of the future. When the black-robed minions of hell in Alaska ruled in favor of marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion, she knuckled under - just like Mitt Romney in Massachussets. She said that she had to enforce their ruling and made it legal.

The truth is that the courts have no power to enforce their rulings. Purposely, they are dependent on the executive branch for enforcement. And the executive branch, which should be co-equal (actually superior because they are chosen directly by the people and given enforcement powers) with the judicial in a shared power system, can not be told what to do by the judges any more than the executive can tell the judges how to rule. That should be a basic and fundamental principle known by everyone. Palin surrendered. And I'm afraid she will do likewise to McCain and his handlers.

I'm also troubled by Palin's young children including a baby with Down's. That baby needs a mother in the home. I know, I know, it's infuriating to see femi-nazi's like Steinem and Quinn tell Palin to go home when they have always said that women should not be tied down by family obligations. Of course they are hypocritical in the extreme. But, are they right?

Yes, they are - and you know it. So aren't the Repub's also being hypocritical when they trash Steinem and company and say that Palin's children don't need a full-time mother? You tell me.

You know, the whole mother in the home debate was never about whether women could perform on the job. Any idiot knows that they can. The point in question was ( and is ) what is best for the children? Either a mother matters or she doesn't and then whatever you can get for 4 dollars an hour will do just fine, as long as they are licensed by the state childhood nazis.

Anyway, no matter what color of dress you put on the pig, it's still just a pig.

And one more story from Abraham Lincoln to illustrate the point: Question: If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a sheep have? Answer: Five. Reply: No, because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one. And in case you don't get it, McCain is not a conservative, and adding a conservative "tail" (VP) doesn't make him one.

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