Saturday, September 27, 2008

Burn Baby Burn

Why is there so much pressure to get voters and the US Congress to pass a trillion dollar (to start) bailout? What's the hurry?

Will the stock market crash if we don't? Because that is the question to the average American and that's why the discussion is couched in those terms. Most of us could really care less if Doofus Investment Bankers go broke. Big deal. These guys never provided a useful service and are causing all kinds of grief. Let them burn in Hell like they so richly deserve.

But many of us have lots of money in the stock market via our retirement accounts. With true inflation being in the double digits for some time (not the government cooked inflation rate that leaves out anything whose price is going up), saving money for 2% interest is useless and ends up losing money. And if you have a decent nest egg, you would have to have many accounts since only 100k is insured per account. And with the banks failing and the FDIC going bankrupt, maybe that's not such a sure thing either. Gold? The government may well seize it again like they did in the 1930's. Safe deposit boxes filled with things of intrinsic value? Again, the government seized these in the 1930's. Housing values and real estate securities are falling. Property may have value but how many can buy a big hunk of property with their retirement funds? None that I know. We have been forced to put our money in the only commonly available vehicle that has held value - Stocks. And if they go? Where do you put your money?

And so the minions of Hell who seek to take over the world are telling their underlings to trumpet the news that our stocks (our savings and retirement funds) wil lose value - up to 1/3 according to the London Papers (who are usually much more accurate than any US rag which have long ago been bought up and controlled by holding corps held by the minions of Hell).

And if they can convince us of this (and it may well be true), and if we are so spineless, craven and slavish that this threat is enough to give away our liberty, then we are lost. Because once they put us on the hook for a trillion dollars, where will it end? Won't every bank, auto company and large company be equally "necessary" to hold our stock's value up? And any company that doesn't play along ends up like Bear Stearns - gone. Is money so dear or security so sweet as to make us submit to tyranny? Almighty God will not forbid it. He's probably pretty fed up with us by now. What do you think of He thinks of a government that notes that He gave us rights to life and liberty and we presume to use that very government to allow killing via abortion and euthanasia? A government that is used to protect perversion of every kind and make a mockery of God's earliest gift, marriage and family, by recognizing marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion? Where exactly does the Creator who gave us the rights that government was supposed to protect say that he allows every kind of sin and perversion?

And so we can't even count on God's help, having broken the covenant that the inhabitants of this land made with God since the time of the Pilgrims. I heard late tonight on the radio that Congress wants to hurry and make a deal so the Asian markets won't crash. And of course Red China has bought a trillion or so dollars worth of our toxic debt and they may well be the largest sufferer if we let the speculative junk market crash. Ah. That helps make it a little clearer, doesn't it? Or should I say Ah so? Multi-nationals have a trillion dollars worth of equity in China that they don't want to lose. So the last nail in the coffin of the American Republic may well be one made of Chinese materials, by China, and for China. Paid for by the US taxpayer.

The loss of my considerable 401 k is a small price to pay for freedom. But will I be allowed to pay it by my cowardly fellow-citizens. Then, Burn, Baby, Burn.


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