Friday, October 03, 2008

Mene, Mene, Tekel, U-Pharsin

For those of you not literate in ancient Aramaic, this was translated by the Hebrew Prophet Daniel in Daniel 5.25-8 as "you have been measured and weighed by the scales of a just God and found wanting, so your Kingdom will be removed from you". Literally "Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, and Divisions."

My prediction was right, by the way. If anyone cares. We just lost a large chunk of our freedom today. Our thieving Congress gave a power that they were never given by the people to a Politburo made up of a cabinet secretary, the board of a private bank and a few lower level bureaucrats. They can literally do anything regarding finance, banks, stocks and the like. Look it up if you don't believe me. It's in the 400 page emergency bill. How do you come up with a 400 page emergency bill so quickly? Unless of course, this was all planned ahead just like the Homeland security laws following 9-11 and the war with Iraq.

With this board in place, do you think that any bank or financial institution will ever rock the boat again? I mean if you displease the financial dictators, they can literally do anything they want for the public good. They can buy or sell your stock, change its price, charge you interest, sell your company to someone else, or anything else that crosses their minds.

And already, California is trying to be first in line to borrow 10 billion for its deficit. Interestingly, this is precisely the amount that criminal aliens cost the state for their upkeep. Rather than cut spending, private and government institutions can now get money from this new dictatorship if they can do 2 things: 1)Screw up really big-time so they can claim to be important and 2)Be cozy with the dictators so that they will save you rather than throw you to the wolves.

I wonder if future generations, if there are any, will look back on this day as the day the US Constitution stopped having any meaning, or if this black day will just fade into the noise of the constant loss of our freedoms over a longer period of time?

I note the stock market went down, although we were told that this bill would save our 401k's. And that foreign governments are bailing out their failing financial institutions even faster than before. And that the loss in the stock market this week is several times greater than the 700 billion price tag of this bill anyway. Obama and McCain supported it, if there is anyone out there fooled by Palin into thinking there is any difference between the political parties. In case you've forgotten, McCain's name is even on the biggest limitation of free speech in history, the McCain-Feingold bill that makes it illegal for you and your friends to buy a radio ad before an election and say candidate Smith or Jones is a communist who wishes to overthrow your freedoms by taxation and stealing your right of self-defense.

These kinds of things happen so quickly now that you can barely remember the outrage at each assault on liberty. How many times in the last years have I thought "Surely, the people can now see the problem?" But over 50% of the people get a substantial part of "their" money from the government and 90% of the taxes are paid by 25% of the people, so why should the other 75% care if taxes are increased? They are unable to feed themselves, so why would you think they could understand that if you kill off the last golden goose, there will be no golden eggs?

I can't imagine how our now socialist/communist country can recover from this. We have no morality, no recourse to the claim that we are a "free" people, no unity of any kind. The Mormon Prophet Spencer W. Kimball wrote in an essay in 1976 (our bi-centennial) that he thought that we were so wicked that the earth could hardly bear our presence. And 30 years later? 50 million murdered unborn? Marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion? Pornography protected by the very government that was supposed to protect our families?

Again, from scripture from the Church of Jesus Christ's Book of Mormon, "this land is a land of promise, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off". And when will this occur? When we have reached a "fullness of iniquity" - defined as casting out the righteous from among us. Does fining and imprisoning those who note that homosexual perversion is sinful in Canada count? Does preventing prayer and other expressions of religion in schools and government count? How long will it be after California allows its black-robed minions of hell's opinion allowing marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion to stand before the next logical step of punishing those who feel differently?

I don't think I have ever felt this low regarding my country. And I see no hope that I will ever feel good about it ever again until this government falls apart, and we start again to honor the Creator who is the source of the rights we surrender to this evil government that rules over us.
Vincet Veritas! And though the Republic is dead, may it's ideals long live on in the hearts of enough of us to some day restore it.


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