Saturday, June 07, 2008

Air Force Fires Top 2 Leaders - Will We Needlessly Attack Iran?

I'm scared about this firing for ostensibly being careless with nuclear stuff in 2 instances. One would be the last year flying of nuclear bombs (unarmed) across country to Barksdale AFB Louisiana. The other was the sending of nuclear fuses instead of helicopter batteries to Taiwan in 2006. This firing stinks to high heaven. Let me explain why from my perspective as a non-combat, non-flying veteran of the Air Force.

There are all kinds of things wrong with this firing. There is the way it was done. Out of nowhere without warning. Normally, there would be bickering back and forth and adequate time for excuses, transfers, etc.

Then there is the fact that the supposed infractions are old ones. That is, the plane that flew loaded with Nukes to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana did this some time ago. There was actually quite a bit of fuss, and to all outward appearances, things were tightened up. Any mistakes would be by a computer clerk or a crew chief. No commander would be at fault and that would be that. This story had legs and kept popping up, making me think at the time that it maybe wasn't that it happened, but that they got caught or it went public. No way to tell, but these kinds of things happen quite often and usually don't make the evening news. Rumors were even found that moving these atomic weapons was part of a plan to be prepared for a nuclear response to Syria or Iran, entirely plausible possibilities. Again, I have no way of knowing the truth; I only note that this didn't play out as usual.

The second infraction was again a years' old problem about sending nuclear fuses rather than helicopter batteries to Free China (Taiwan). This one is also odd. Helicopter batteries and nuclear fuses are not even in the same division. Nuclear stuff has all kinds of security that batteries don't. They are different commands. And China continues to threaten to nuke Taiwan if they ever declare Independence as well as nuke LA for whatever reason. It might be entirely possible that we were sending nuclear fuses to Taiwan. It would make perfect sense in some ways. I would hope that Taiwan would bear the brunt of its own defense in a post-Olympic blitzkrieg that many think is inevitable. This would be done semi-secretly for a variety of reasons. One is, China can break us anytime it wants by selling off our dollars and debts that it holds. That's the reason we hardly uttered a peep when they shot down our spy plane, imprisoned its crew and stole all our advance secret electronics a few years ago. So we wouldn't do it openly so they wouldn't feel publicly insulted and have to show a response like destroying our economy. (This would also destroy their economy shortly thereafter since our exports would stop.) Another is to not provoke the international sissies like the UN. And not to anger the real power in the US - Big Business with their billions of investments in Commie China.

There is always the problem that giving the Taiwanese weapons would be just like giving the commies weapons when they take over China - just like Vietnam etc. where our aid was quickly turned against us by a new regime. But that kind of thinking would be too advanced for the average political general who could always cry "Who could have known?" As badly as our military and political structure is infiltrated by the Chicoms, such a general would probably get an extra star, making it all the more likely that it wasn't a mistake, but just that they got caught again.

So if both "mistakes" weren't mistakes, or even if they were mistakes like happen all the time without fanfare, then why were the 2 top Air Force people fired?

And this is where it gets scary. The press got these releases about these guys instantly and everywhere. Rather than the usual announcement about age, fine service, time to move on, etc., we get this nasty notice of incompetence of these two political appointees. Every single general has to pass approval by Congress and expecially an upper general. And the Secretary of the Air Force is a direct political appointee. Criticizing these 2 guys would be like the Bush regime accepting the blame themselves, which is not something that will ever happen. So there must be another reason.

And that reason (sorry to take so long to get here) is that these guys may well have opposed some new plan of the neo-cons like bombing Iran, and these guys may have had the guts to oppose it. And that would get them fired. Can't have the top 2 guys in charge of the service that would bear the brunt of the initial attack along with the Navy (which is why there are not one but 2 carrier groups in the area even as the casualty rate falls in Iraq) dragging their feet.

Now, some might ask, why wouldn't these guys go public then? First, because they seem to be intelligent. Intelligent enough to get fired by the Bush regime, when so many run-of-the mill idiots don't get fired. They would recognize that all kinds of things from demotion and loss of pension to even imprisonment and random suicide (like the DC madam) could happen. Remember poor Secretary Forrestal who, when he found out the government was run by neo-con one-world thugs was thrown out a hospital window?

Second, if we are going to attack, loyalty would demand you not say anything because it would harm the mission, the men of the military, and the country. Much like those who knew Roosevelt withheld information from the Pearl Harbor commanders Short and Kimmel that would have avoided Pearl Harbor. What would be gained? We were already at war.

And third, what would it matter? If we're going to attack (like so many source seem to say we are), then what good would it do? They would get the blame for the fiasco because someone could always say, "If those last 2 traitorous idiots would have done their job, this disaster might not have occurred."

Again, I have no special knowledge, no contacts, no reason to think this. But it worries me. I don't think these kinds of high-level things happen without a good reason, and a few "accidents" are not enough, in my opinion.

So my advice? Watch out for war with Iran before Bush leaves office. Hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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