Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Firing of Top 2 Air Force Officials and Confirmation from Unnamed Source that Nuclear Triggers Were Not "Mistakenly" Sent to Taiwan

Regarding my blog of last week where I wrote that I was worried about the firing of the top General and the Air Force Secretary over a couple of old "accidents" involving nuclear weapons, I have received confirmation of one of my concerns: that it was no mistake that nuclear triggers were sent to Taiwan. My source said "You know the real story about those nuclear fuses being sent by mistake when they should have been helicopter batteries?" Since all internet traffic is monitored, I will not specify who the source is and what their credibility is. Believe me or not; your choice.

They then told me that someone in Taiwan who was out of the loop kept calling up and saying we sent the wrong thing. Our side kept saying no, we didn't, wink, wink. It became public eventually. Now these top brass could have been fired because it became public, but it wasn't our side that messed up this secret deal, so it wouldn't make sense to fire our guys. Which brings me back to why did they fire these guys and blame it on this lame excuse? The only reason that makes sense to this old cynical veteran is that these guys opposed some major pet project - and only attacking Iran seems to be a big enough project to fire your own guys.

The confirmation that these nuclear supplies really were intended for Taiwan brings up some interesting points. First of all, let me get the Chicoms attention. (I'll explain why later) Communist China deserves to be nuked by atomic weapons! That ought to do it. China has been monitoring web traffic for years, just like we do through our massive ECHELON program. (Look it up, if you don't believe me.) There are certain key words that trigger a more in depth look at the message being recorded and I just used some that the chicoms look for. They will read this humble blog and I would rather not see the chicoms take over Taiwan in a nuclear exchange, so I will contribute in my small way by one more confirmation that attacking Taiwan after the Olympics would lead to unacceptable damage to themselves. By the way, if you don't believe that China also monitors, get a firewall program that will trace attempts to access your computer. Type in my sentence about nuking China. Come back in a few days. Bet you've been probed by Chinese military bases or para-military companies like COSCO or Hutchison-Whampoa (google these names and see what you get). Try it and see.

This info means we are taking Chicoms rumblings seriously to the point of arming our friends with nuclear weapons. Since the Chinese also have missiles (technology stolen mostly during the Clinton admin - which was the original reason the John Birch Society and others called for the impeachment of Clinton - it was never about Lewinsky, but the elite turned it into a circus about sex- and this theft continues to this day under Bush with many companies blatantly sending this technology to China) aimed at the US and their generals frequently remind us of this threat, it may well come to a limited nuclear exchange with communist china. Oh, and remember who supplies Iran with its weapons like the silkworm missiles that could devastate our at least 2 carrier groups in the middle east? (I say at least 2 because that is public knowledge, meaning that there may well be more) You guessed it - Communist China. There are so many possible convolutions and peripheral machinations involved that it makes your head spin. Perhaps firing these guys and using the phony reason of nuclear accidents was meant to reassure China that we don't really care about Taiwan and just leave us alone in the attack of their ally Iran. Or, knowing that the Chinese already know we are sending nuclear stuff to Taiwan, we are rubbing it in their faces and firing 2 guys who don't want to bomb Iran - signalling our intentions and warning them simultaneously. Etc. etc. It's dangerous to assume too much intelligence in international relations because of the egos involved.

Anyway, if all that doesn't scare you, you must not have much feeling left.

Let your legislators know that they need to 1)Oppose bombing Iran and 2)Support Taiwan. Our country and its citizens may depend on this.

Or I'm a total idiot who knows nothing. Keep right on smoking that "medicinal" marijuana and voting for Barrack Hussein Obama and John why-do-all-my-fellow-POW's-hate-me McCain. (Did you know I have a source close to McCain's old war buddies who has incredible stories and allegations?) Check it out and make up your own mind.

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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