Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama, the Messiah

I know Obama is a racist, a liar, a bigot, a crook and a socialist. Nothing new there. (Proof: racist - multiple insulting stereotyping comments in his books, liar - any one of a number of lies such as his promise to use public funds for his campaign, bigot - his clinging to guns and bibles comments, crook - number 2 recipient of fannie mae money etc. , socialist - his spread someone else's wealth comments) But so is McCain, and most other politicians. But I have never seen a candidate built up as a Messiah before. I had heard this on some talk shows etc. but it wasn't until I actually looked at the Obama website that I fully realized it.

I read about Obama's tax plans since I make more than the ever-shrinking amount above which I will be allowed to share my wealth with the rest of you scum. Over and over, the website says "Obama will" do such-and-such. Typically, there is a modicum of modesty in these kinds of things. Something like 'Senator Obama will work with Congress to change your taxes'. That kind of thing, noting that there are other people in government besides Obama. But not on Obama's site. "Obama will ask the wealthiest 2% of families to give back a portion of the taxes they have received over the past eight years to ensure we are restoring fairness and returning to fiscal responsibility." Never mind that this is obfuscation of the highest order and an incredibly insulting and twisted way of making it look like raising my taxes (but not yours) is fair. Never mind that the money is mine - not the government's - and that lower tax rates are not the government giving me money (unlike the majority of you bums reading this who are on the dole via bogus disability, medicaid, food stamps, medicare, social security, welfare, rent subsidies and the rest). Note the use of the words "Obama will". The liberal scum (nothing personal, but I have to use something descriptive to differentiate you from the rare democrat or liberal who isn't trying to steal from me) are trying to turn B. Hussein Obama into a one word title like "Sting" or "Oprah". And they are glorifying Obama. Try this quote, "Obama will pay for this tax relief ...". B. Hussein Obama will not pay for anything; neither will you. I will. Since I and others like me pay 90% of the taxes already.

Anyway, you can't help read the B. Hussein Obama website without coming away with chills of fear at the ego of this evil man and his deluded supporters.

And just for fun, a few predictions. B. Hussein Obama will (via a democratic congress)... 1) Raise taxes on just about everyone (except the 40% who already pay no tax) 2) He will raise capital gains (thus insuring that the recession stays longer) 3) He will void laws restricting abortion in any way 4) He will cancel religious tax deductions 5) He will restore the 'fairness doctrine' 6) He will take up where Clinton left off with sicking the IRS on anyone and any organization that opposes him 7) He will never allow access to his college records or birth records (which, according to credible allegations, will show him ineligible to be President since he is not a native-born American, but rather a Kenyan who was rushed to the US after his birth). 8) He will force churches and various non-liberal tax-exempt organizations to pay taxes 9) He will promote marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion 10) He will appoint hundreds of judges quickly (since there is a large back-log of open positions kept that way by the democrats and the sell-out traitorous rat and his "gang" McCain) who will legislate from the bench so many environmental wacko rulings that mineral and oil exploration will essentially cease forever. 11) These judges will force the Boy Scouts to cease to exist in the form we know today. 12) Those who practice various perversions will be forced in all of the above organizations with the threat of government persecution 13) He will force the military to accept faggots or whatever other name is politically correct these days. 14)He will infringe and remove gun-rights 15) He will completely socialize medicine. (It's already mostly socialized) 16) He will fund college education for those he favors (undeserving scum of various types) at tax-payer expense. 17) Amnesty for 20-40 million criminal aliens and the arrival of an equal number of new immigrants which will turn Texas and several other states into blue states for the foreseeable future and never again let conservatives even come close to having a say in national politics. And I predict he will do even worse things that I'm not even able to imagine. We'll see during the next 8 years, won't we?

And another note, remember that last election not a single incumbent democrat lost a race for Congress - not one. And in case you think the Republicans will save us, McCain is responsible for the limitation of our freedom preventing free speech by taking out ads that mention candidates, responsible for the prevention of conservative judges being appointed and the party leaders selected him by keeping the nomination process controlled via the same early states who have open primaries and the like. Nothing has changed. If the republican party was serious and fair, they would let the largest red state, Texas, go first, or rotate the primaries so everyone would get a chance to go early. Not gonna happen.

And a last prediction - If God does have a covenant relationship with this country like the Pilgrims, Christians, Manifest Destiny believers of the 19th and 20th centuries and Mormons believe, then he's gonna wipe us out - for our and the world's sake - and it ain't gonna be pretty.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

School Indoctrination

I went to lunch with a friend today and we both mentioned our children. My most recent interaction with my children was with my 8 year old, driving him to school that morning. Somehow, he has absorbed the Obama garbage and thinks he will save the world. I don't talk politics with my 8 year old. I teach him reading and math (since the school doesn't), honesty, telling the truth, respect for adults and love of the Savior. Where does an 8 year old get indoctrinated? He doesn't watch much TV and what he does watch are cartoon shows.

You know and I know that the "where" is public school, and mostly it is from teachers who are pro-Obama. And so I explained to my 8 year old that Obama was a socialist who wants to take his daddy's money and spread it around to others who don't work as hard as I do. I explained that this is already happening and that is why I work late and Saturday's. I explained that Obama believes in telling others what to do. I explained that Obama is a racist, a bigot, a liar and a crook. And then I told him that Obama's ideas were un-American and evil. And then I said that many teachers at school were mixed up and that they should be ignored.

My friend then told me of his 11 year old who had learned the same thing. He likewise taught his 11 year old the truth about American principles and Obama.

Then we both realized that if our children have been caught in the socialist trap of public schools, what about other children? Who will tell them the truth? Schools carefully avoid teaching American principles. In all my years of teaching the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge to Boy Scouts not one has ever been able to tell me the source of our rights according to the Declaration of Independence (the Creator, in case you've been educated in the Public School system). Isn't that pathetic? And it will get worse.

We both hung our heads in silence and grief for a minute. Here in the USA, our children were indoctrinated just like in Russia and China. And there was nothing we could do about it. Law suits have been lost just recently in Massachusetts and California that even prevent a parent from taking their child out of classes teaching that moral perversion is OK. And in case you've never butted heads with the public indoctrination system, it is guaranteed that your kids will suffer if you complain or become known as a conservative who wants school choice via vouchers.

And the majority of your neighbors like it this way. Oh, they may agree that perversion is wrong and that the Americanism should be taught but they will keep right on voting against vouchers or choice in education

Is there hope? Yes, but it's not going to be pleasant. Hope consists only in our civilization and government falling. Yes, you heard me right. Only if people are suffering economically and politically will they change. And our government now exists to protect evil. It protects porn, criminal aliens, thieving bankers, public school teachers who pollute our children's minds, perverts who marry based solely on a shared perversion, and on and on.

And if you have any doubts about what kind of society we have become, look up the latest on Governor Palin. Look up the names she is called, not just by the local liberal kooks, but by main-stream political operatives and news people. Look up Bill Maher. Who made a joke about Palin's pregnant teenage child. You simply can't sink any lower than that. Then look up any condemnation of this from the mainstream media. Look up the obscene chants that often greet her. Look up the reports on her investigation about firing a rogue cop. Instead of noting that her underling not only didn't follow the governor's orders but didn't investigate the reason for the firing, the democrat investigation committee investigates not the criminal or the politicians who protected him, but the Governor who finally fired him! Simple fulfillment of Bible prophecy about good being called evil and evil good.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Serves McCain Right

McCain obviously doesn't want to be President of the United States. He spends his time insulting and trying to mis-direct his supporters rather than attack his opponent or his record. He isn't conservative; he is only the republican nominee because he got a lead in delegates from states that allowed open primary voting. In other words, liberals and non-republicans selected him to represent the republicans. The republican leadership encouraged and aided this. They wanted a liberal. They got one. They can fix or could have fixed this anytime. Republicans can require that only republicans can vote. They can establish a requirement to be registered ahead of time to keep instant registering to disrupt voting. Republicans can also give other states the first primary. How about Texas, the largest source of Republican electoral votes? Or how about rotating so that every state gets to go in the first group every five elections? Again, easy to fix, easy to make fair. Not gonna happen.

McCain could easily win even now. Start attacking, start pointing out real differences. Point out that Obama is the bigger socialist, that he is militantly pro-abortion and anti-self defense. But McCain won't. In the past the NRA and such would be doing this for him, but McCain made this illegal with his un-constitutional assault on free speech called the McCain Feingold act. Basically, no one can name a candidate in an ad prior to an election. So the NRA can't point out Obama is a fascist. The pro-life forces can't point out Obama would even allow murdering unwanted babies after birth. Any one of these ads would win enough electoral votes for Obama to win.

And so it serves McCain right to fail because of the law he passed. Don't rest in peace but Burn in Hell, McCain.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

They're heeeere!

Daily, I read of outrageous occurrences that seem impossible. ACORN continues to function in spite of multiple convictions for voter fraud in signing up more fraudulent voters for B. Hussein Obama. Black robed minions of Hell cram marriage based on nothing more that a shared perversion down our throats. Here's another, rather ominous such occurrence from a premier news site, World Net Daily. (Add a link to it or put it on your favorites list.)

Read it and weep.

And in case you don't want the government to know you are looking at news sites that aren't controlled by liberals (a wise choice in my opinion), here is the article.

They Came for Jessica, and I will not be Silent by Roger Hedgecock

After World War II, trying to explain how good Germans allowed the monstrous evil of the Nazi regime, a pastor recalled that the Nazis came for the communists, and he did nothing; then for the trade unionists, then for the gypsies and Jews; then for the Catholics – and each time he did nothing. When they came for him, none were left to defend him.
Last week, here in America, they came for Jessica Hughes, and I will not be silent. I will not turn away, hoping, in the end, they will not come for me.
Jessica Hughes of Lufkin, Texas, former Marine, mother of three, answered her cell phone in the car, coming home from the emergency room. Her 9-year-old had suffered a mild concussion, but was OK.
The caller was a female Obama volunteer who asked if Jessica would support Obama for president.
Jessica replied, "No, I don't support him. Your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the state Senate to let little babies die in hospital closets; I think you should find something better to do with your time." Then Jessica hung up.
The next day, a man and a woman in suits showed up at the door of her home, identifying themselves as members of the Secret Service.
The Secret Service agents stated that the Obama campaign had complained of a death threat. They had quoted Jessica as saying, "I will never support Obama, and he will wind up dead on a hospital floor."
Jessica's husband had heard Jessica's side of the original phone call and verified the actual quote. To which the female agent replied, "Oh? Well why would she (the Obama volunteer) make that up?"
Jessica replied that the Obama volunteer was probably unhappy about what Jessica had said about her candidate. The female agent then said "That's right, you were rude!"
The male agent then displayed a file with Jessica's full name prominently printed on it and asked her how she felt about Obama. At this point, the former Marine told the agent "in no uncertain terms" (as she later recounted) that this was America and that the last time she checked, she was allowed to think whatever she wanted without being questioned by the Secret Service. And was being "rude" a federal crime now too? The agents then admitted they had no tape of the conversation, just the quote from the Obama campaign.
Responding to Jessica's questions, the agents would not identify themselves by name, nor reveal the name of the Obama volunteer who had made the complaint. The agents did indicate that Jessica was not in a court of law yet, and that they were trying to not embarrass her "by going to all her family and neighbors."
To these implied threats, Jessica invited the agents to speak to whomever they wanted, and stated she would happily go to court since she had done nothing wrong.
Jessica asked the agents, "Look, someone calls me unsolicited on my cell phone to ask me to support their candidate, and I can't tell them why I don't?"
The Secret Service left Jessica that day, but she could not get the "visit" out of her mind.
Jessica wrote later, "The fact that the volunteer lied, the fact that the Secret Service came to my house to question me about my thoughts and feelings and threaten to embarrass me to my neighbors and go to court if I didn't cooperate is not the tragedy here.
"Because that girl on the phone doesn't have the pull to send the Secret Service to my home. Someone high in the ranks of a campaign working for a man who may be the next President of the United States of America felt comfortable bringing the force of the Federal Government to bear on a private citizen on nothing but the word of a partisan volunteer."
Taken together with the intimidation campaign against WGN Radio because it aired an interview about the Obama-Ayers connection, the use of local criminal prosecutors to intimidate TV stations in certain states to not run ads critical of Obama, and the use of race to rally black voters and shame white voters, the Obama campaign's M.O. in Jessica's case is a warning.
The pattern is unmistakable. The drumbeat of jackboots echoes now faintly, but persistently, in the fall breeze.
They came for Jessica, and I will not be silent.

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Sic transit Gloria Mundi

During the last week I have spoken with multiple people who are smart and wealthy who are happy about the loss of our economic freedom and are for the new dictatorship that controls the economy. This dictatorship, called TARP, was set up by the emergency economic stabilization act and consists of the Secretary of the Treasury (as a former top guy in one of the big investment firms that caused this collapse, he is the last guy to put in charge), the board of the Federal Reserve (Bernanke is another of the people responsible for this mess), and various other underlings. There is no oversight - just a requirement to eventually tell Congress what they have done.

The scary thing is that the people with whom I have spoken, some flaming liberals and others right wingers, (none of whom even knew any of the details of the bailout) all said something along the lines of "I'm glad we have no power over these new economic dictators because now maybe they can fix things".

And so, we're dead. They really have no principles and no love of freedom. All that matters is that the government exist to keep their money. And they will give up anything to see that happen - their rights, their freedoms, anything. They will give up your rights and freedoms also. Whatever it takes to keep them wealthy. To think, we were once a people whose elected representatives said things (and meant them) like "Give me liberty, or give me death". Do you know how idiotic that sentiment would sound to the average American today?

In a sense, I find this fascinating because the fruits of this kind of surrender will be ever more dictatorial policies. What is to be blamed? Well first of all, we are. We surrendered to this relativism based on the principle "You can get anything you want in this world for money". We surrendered the education of our children and adults to a system that tolerated everything but God and Truth. No school prayer, you can't even hand out cub scout fliers at the school. But you can have a club based on perversion. You can kill unborn children by the millions. You can marry based on nothing more than a shared perversion. We let our institutions be taken over by the enemy and when warned, we turned against and marginalized the John Birch Society, the Eagle Forum and the like.

Our leaders who ought to (and do) know better deserve lots of blame also. Our judges mostly deserve hanging. I hope to live long enough to see many of them swinging from scaffolds built in front of our courthouses as examples to our new judges. I'll bet if we hung the worst supreme court justices right on the steps of the Supreme Court the rest would act a lot different.

What to do? As always, the best we can. Teach our children the truth. Reach out to the remnant who still have enough of the divine spark in them to recognize truth when they hear it. Pray. And position ourselves to withstand the coming storms. Get out of debt. Pay off cars and houses. Store food, water and fuel. And most importantly, start keeping the commandments. "Where the spirit of God is, there is liberty". And 2 Chronicles 7.14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

But if we don't "repent", then we can expect no healing.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Mene, Mene, Tekel, U-Pharsin

For those of you not literate in ancient Aramaic, this was translated by the Hebrew Prophet Daniel in Daniel 5.25-8 as "you have been measured and weighed by the scales of a just God and found wanting, so your Kingdom will be removed from you". Literally "Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, and Divisions."

My prediction was right, by the way. If anyone cares. We just lost a large chunk of our freedom today. Our thieving Congress gave a power that they were never given by the people to a Politburo made up of a cabinet secretary, the board of a private bank and a few lower level bureaucrats. They can literally do anything regarding finance, banks, stocks and the like. Look it up if you don't believe me. It's in the 400 page emergency bill. How do you come up with a 400 page emergency bill so quickly? Unless of course, this was all planned ahead just like the Homeland security laws following 9-11 and the war with Iraq.

With this board in place, do you think that any bank or financial institution will ever rock the boat again? I mean if you displease the financial dictators, they can literally do anything they want for the public good. They can buy or sell your stock, change its price, charge you interest, sell your company to someone else, or anything else that crosses their minds.

And already, California is trying to be first in line to borrow 10 billion for its deficit. Interestingly, this is precisely the amount that criminal aliens cost the state for their upkeep. Rather than cut spending, private and government institutions can now get money from this new dictatorship if they can do 2 things: 1)Screw up really big-time so they can claim to be important and 2)Be cozy with the dictators so that they will save you rather than throw you to the wolves.

I wonder if future generations, if there are any, will look back on this day as the day the US Constitution stopped having any meaning, or if this black day will just fade into the noise of the constant loss of our freedoms over a longer period of time?

I note the stock market went down, although we were told that this bill would save our 401k's. And that foreign governments are bailing out their failing financial institutions even faster than before. And that the loss in the stock market this week is several times greater than the 700 billion price tag of this bill anyway. Obama and McCain supported it, if there is anyone out there fooled by Palin into thinking there is any difference between the political parties. In case you've forgotten, McCain's name is even on the biggest limitation of free speech in history, the McCain-Feingold bill that makes it illegal for you and your friends to buy a radio ad before an election and say candidate Smith or Jones is a communist who wishes to overthrow your freedoms by taxation and stealing your right of self-defense.

These kinds of things happen so quickly now that you can barely remember the outrage at each assault on liberty. How many times in the last years have I thought "Surely, the people can now see the problem?" But over 50% of the people get a substantial part of "their" money from the government and 90% of the taxes are paid by 25% of the people, so why should the other 75% care if taxes are increased? They are unable to feed themselves, so why would you think they could understand that if you kill off the last golden goose, there will be no golden eggs?

I can't imagine how our now socialist/communist country can recover from this. We have no morality, no recourse to the claim that we are a "free" people, no unity of any kind. The Mormon Prophet Spencer W. Kimball wrote in an essay in 1976 (our bi-centennial) that he thought that we were so wicked that the earth could hardly bear our presence. And 30 years later? 50 million murdered unborn? Marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion? Pornography protected by the very government that was supposed to protect our families?

Again, from scripture from the Church of Jesus Christ's Book of Mormon, "this land is a land of promise, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off". And when will this occur? When we have reached a "fullness of iniquity" - defined as casting out the righteous from among us. Does fining and imprisoning those who note that homosexual perversion is sinful in Canada count? Does preventing prayer and other expressions of religion in schools and government count? How long will it be after California allows its black-robed minions of hell's opinion allowing marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion to stand before the next logical step of punishing those who feel differently?

I don't think I have ever felt this low regarding my country. And I see no hope that I will ever feel good about it ever again until this government falls apart, and we start again to honor the Creator who is the source of the rights we surrender to this evil government that rules over us.
Vincet Veritas! And though the Republic is dead, may it's ideals long live on in the hearts of enough of us to some day restore it.