Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why they want continued illegal immigration

With polls consistently showing 80% of the American people oppose the current "comprehensive" immigration bill, you would think politicians would be falling all over themselves to condemn this bill. Yet they don't. Why?
It is easy to see how the dominant socialist elite usually deal with a problem like this. Take marriage of those whose only claim is a shared perversion (gay marriage). People overwhelmingly are against this. Or they were. So the politicians pretend to be pro-family. They use words like "pro-family" and the like even as they are working to legalize marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion. Their root belief is simply being against morality and decency. They are also anti-American. These are their core values. Many aren't really for socialism or any other of their disastrous causes that have failed anywhere they have been implemented. They are just unerringly against anything good and decent. But knowing that coming right out to support marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion will lose votes, they pretend otherwise until the media, Hollywood and the rest of the useful idiots can change public opinion. And so now we have Massachusetts where the majority have actually changed their opinions in a very few years to where they support (barely) such marriages. And as soon as that crossover point happened, all the mealy-mouthed politicians voted to not allow the people to decide by a large majority.
But illegal immigration is different. Instead of pretending to be against it until opinion changes, Bush and the other liberals (Bush is not, and never has been, a conservative) are pushing it for all they are worth. Even if it hurts them politically. And it does. Why?
I know that they are immoral and anti-American, but they usually hide it better. The only thing that makes sense is that illegal immigration will destroy America and they will continue it at whatever the cost.
First, they know that by losing this round, the opposition will be tired and take a deep breath. That means the current invasion will continue without much effort to stop it. You can see that this is already happening. Instead of stories on the minute-men and state legislatures voting to deport criminal aliens, we now get stories about how the Senate will resurrect this bill next year because eventually the problem must be dealt with. The debate is now over how many criminal aliens we will let in and not how to stop new ones or deport the old ones. So actually the anti-Americans have won a great victory even though they lost the last vote.
But the longer term answer is provided by author Jerome Corsi who wrote the book "Unfit for Command" about John Kerry and the swift boat experiences. He points out in his current best-seller that illegal immigration is pushed so that the sovereignty of the US can be broken and we will merge even more with Canada and Mexico. Bush and the other North American heads of state signed a "Security and Prosperity" agreement that is being pushed as part of the immigration plan. Note that Kennedy even included in his failed bill provisions to strengthen this illegal and treasonous agreement.
Now it makes sense. Illegal immigration will lead to a quicker weakening of the borders and lead to quicker integration of Canada, Mexico, and the US. And the proof? The statements of the idiots themselves! Over and over again traitors from Bush to Kennedy have come right out and said that this is what they are seeking. Read the book, do a google search, check out New American magazine, etc. if you need convincing.
Illegal immigration is easy to solve and cheap. Look up how a several hundred mile stretch of Texas fixed it without even building a fence and with no extra money. They arrested and jailed for at least 6 months every illegal alien they caught. 6 months is jail with no income, no drugs, no welfare payments for the family, etc and the criminal aliens don't cross there anymore. Problem solved. Build the fence. Check for citizenship with hiring, birth certificates, driver's licenses and the like. Seize any money being wired by criminal aliens and use it to imprison and deport other criminal aliens. Once such things are done, the criminal aliens will deport themselves by the millions when there is no way to continue to plunder the American system.
Vincet Veritas, MEB

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Global Warming

As a trained environmental scientist, former physical scientist with the Bureau of Reclamation, and Biological consultant, I have a pretty good idea of the issues in global warming. I am not a climatologist or meteorologist though.

I could spend a lot of time and space discussing the relevant studies. The basic take-home messages would be: 1) Global warming is occurring, but at a low rate. 2) There is, however, no direct evidence that human activities have anything to do with it. 3) There is even less evidence that we could do anything to change it.

But I want to concentrate on how the pro- and anti- human-caused global warming forces present their message. The pro-warming forces use little science. At best they seize hold of an occasional, isolated study that has no larger bearing and then launch into a tirade. (Like the polar bear numbers being less in 1 area of the Arctic. Actually total polar bear numbers are increasing.) Their arguments are long on emotion and short on science. They tend to call their opponents unpleasant names - a sure sign of lack of evidence. And, most tellingly from my background as a scientist, they almost never even acknowledge contrary studies, nor do they try to refute or explain them. Now any good scientist realizes that you can't pick and choose only data that fits your model. But the pro-global warming forces do just that.

The anti-global warming forces almost always acknowledge opposing data and then try to explain or refute it. ( Like I did above with polar bears.) They rarely, if ever, call the pro-global warming forces names. They use phrases like "usually", "almost all", "rarely, if ever" and other non-absolute phrases because how can you say never to anything unless you're omniscient like God? And yet the pro-global warming forces almost always do this.If you have an open mind, think about what I'm saying.

Try not to be offended because I take a contrary position to your cherished belief. And note the tactics of both sides, and then decide for yourself which side is logical, which side is scientific-based, and more importantly which side is right. And it isn't the pro-global warming caused by humans' side.

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Here in Utah, the future of mankind is being decided. In spite of the goofy idiocy that is going on in America right now, it is still a bastion of Freedom - relatively speaking. Europe long ago went to the dogs. Unless you are born into a rich, elite family, or have some extraordinary talent, your are condemned to a lifetime of dwelling in a small apartment without air conditioning and working for the government directly or indirectly. You will probably never own a car. You don't get to go to a public funded college unless you passed some test when you were 12 and have no way of getting money to go to a private college. And so you will work in some ministry of pretense, ride the bus to and from work, and vote for bigger and bigger idiots who promise you that your paycheck or unemployment check will be bigger if you vote for them. C'est la vie.

Are there exceptions elsewhere? Africa? Not a chance. Asia? Maybe Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand - again if and only if you have enough money for training that will qualify you for something other than street-sweeping. The America's? Well other than the US, maybe a little chance, but that is only a temporary window. Venezuela, El Salvador, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Guyana, Mexico and others have elected Marxists in just the last few years. Imagine - an economic system proven for hundred's of years to be the worst possible system, and the people elect Marxists on their promise to improve the economy! And that leaves the US.

The mobility of the US has been a thing of wonder for generations. Upward and downward mobility were the rule rather than the exception. But that is changing. With modern welfare, we have created a permanent under-class breeding, using drugs, stealing and raising children who think this is the only way to be. Add 20 million criminal aliens, some working on the third generation of criminal aliens, and the current Senate Amnesty that will add another 100 million or so in the next 10 years and we have a critical mass of exploiters - that is people who take more than they give. As an extensive Heritage Foundation study found, the average criminal alien household pays in 10,000 dollars and removes 30,000 dollars from the system yearly. 25 million (assuming 4 criminal aliens per household) times 20,000 net loss equals 500 billion dollars a year. Woo-hoo! And you think that our way of life has any chance of surviving? Get real. With amnesty almost a done deal (an amendment that would prevent convicted felons - convicted felons - from becoming permanent Z visa holders was rejected by the Imperial Senate today), we can only retire to our villas and wait for the end.

The only chance to change this inevitable ending is to educate enough of the populace to make a difference. A variety of organizations have tried political education with little success. The best of these political education organizations is probably the John Birch Society. But it is relatively weak and unimportant. Other political organizations are even worse.

I don't see this changing. The only way to really educate the populace is to take the children and teach them religious teaching. That's why Satanic forces from Marxism to the California State Board of Education have always pushed for control of public education.

But our public schools are failing. Here in Utah, with as "good" a group of people as anywhere, only 75% of the graduates (not everyone, but the High School Graduates) have basic reading, writing and math skills. Add in the drop-outs, criminal aliens and liberals who technically can read and write but have no logic skills, and you see the problem. In a Junior High not far from where I sit (South Ogden Junior High) no child should be forced to even visit. The hallways are filled with students swearing, fighting and feeling each other up. Drug deals are common. A recent Oxycontin ring was organized there, using mostly pills stolen from addicted, malingering older relatives and neighbors. And this is in a "nice" area.

And yet, the majority of voters, influenced by a radical minority of professional malcontents, continue to insist that students be educated under these conditions.

I recently went to the local high school graduation. I was shamed beyond expression. There was no invocation - there was no pledge of allegiance or recognition of the flag. There was not a single acknowledgement of God in the entire, terminally boring ceremony. Lots of bright students who mouthed meaningless platitudes that could be translated only as "Now, we're ready to really make some money". No community, no gratitude, no duty, no country, no praising freedom, no mention of war. A few years ago, a couple of students who were already in the military wore their uniforms to get their diplomas and were denied their diplomas. No preparation to carry on the single most important institution in society - Family. Other than some school board ruler thanking parent and grand-parents for coming and paying taxes, there was not one mention of Family, or being a good mother, father, husband or wife. I know these students and their parents. They don't really wish to be evil; they just are because they have, in the name of "getting along" and not being scorned by the pseudo-intellectual elite, surrendered both their freedom and their values.

The public schools are a lost cause. In the last 10 years, the greatest number of purely evil people I have met, (and as a physician I see all kinds of people) have been educators. The nastiest, meanest, most insulting people I have met are usually educators. The typical drug addict with 4 kids from 4 partners, on welfare, in and out of jail for theft, are much more pleasant to be around than many teachers. Yes there are some good teachers - but very few. Every time I have ever gone to a back-to-school night since moving here to Utah from Chicago 15 years ago, I have heard a parent ask a teacher for some little help so that they can help their child acquire an education. Usually they ask for 10 second of the teacher's time to check that a student has put the homework in their backpack filled with 40 pounds of education gear. Or to see if the student remembered to turn in the previous day's homework that is already done. These requests are for literally seconds of time. And every single time, I have heard the teacher reply, as if talking to a slave, "If I did that for your student, I'd have to do it for all the students."

A disrespectful bald-faced lie. Usually only one or two kids need this. And the teacher doesn't even answer the question yes or no. They blame the parent and child for being idiots at the same time they pretend that helping students is somehow not their job. Then what is their job?

And so in Utah, we have passed a law to address this. Vouchers would be given to parents to spend at a school of their choice to educate their students. Think what even the threat of this would do. Teachers would bend over backwards to please parents so they wouldn't withdraw their children. They would even be nice and look parent's in the eye when speaking. Principals would crack down on rogue teachers. You could take your child away from the lesbian volley-ball coach and put them in a school with a moral teacher. The good things like this go on and on. The citizens of Utah are so over taxed that there is tons of surplus money to pay for vouchers.
This voucher money wouldn't even come from Imperial Education Funds. The legislature passed 2 bills for vouchers. One passed by a single vote. Then the legislature passed another similar bill by a 2/3 majority. In Utah, such a bill is initiative proof - that is it can't be overturned by a proposition, but only by another legislative vote. This law was passed to keep rabble-rousing conservatives from causing trouble, but the rabble-rousers turned the weapon on the creators and passed a proposition-proof voucher bill. The usual gang of idiots - Teachers Unions, Liberal pseudo-intellectuals, atheists, socialists and the like immediately got enough people to force a popular vote on the first bill. But they made a big mistake - they only covered the first bill. Their petitions didn't at all cover the second bill. The UGOI (usual gang of idiots) realized their mistake too late - there wasn't time to get a new ballot initiative to undo the second law passed by a referendum-proof majority.

This timing is critical because both sides realize that if even 10 or 20 thousand students can get educated outside the Imperial System, then there will be enough people who favor vouchers to never again let the UGOI control the education of our children. The Imperial Attorney ( no friend of freedom), made a legal determination that the useless proposition was irrelevant since the UGOI had not covered the second law. That law would still be in effect and vouchers would still be dispersed.

But the story has still more twists. A few years ago a liberal Republican Imperial Governor, Mike Leavitt (now a cabinet dupe of President Bush), took away from the people the right to choose who is on the Imperial state school board. He wanted to appoint them so that he could reward his cronies and keep conservatives off the board. He succeeded better than he thought. There are 10 UGOI and only 4 conservatives on the current board. The current liberal Imperial governor, also a Republican, is himself a member of the elite UGOI. He is a Huntsman, the family whose billion dollar ownings include much of the chemical industries of the western world. Though nominally Republicans, the senior member of the clan once remarked that the only thing that determined his vote was which candidate would spend the most money on cancer research, a disease he just happened to have. In an amazing conflict of interest, this Imperial board gets to decide whether to disburse the money, even though the legislature is supposed to be the supreme power in the state. Their president, Burningham, is even a leader of an anti-voucher group. So rather than the people, or their legislature, this appointed enemy of freedom gets to decide whether to actually give out the money. He refused and was backed up by a predictable 10-4 vote by the UGOI board.

Still, an angry legislature and electorate could have pressured the Imperial governor who hopes for many more terms into enforcing the law passed by the legislature. This is, after all, one of his few defined constitutional duties.

Enter the lawyers, Stage Left. So then, what's a liberal to do? Send in the lawyers, of course. Sue. Sue everyone. Sue the state. Sue the legislature. Never mind the specifics. Never mind that the highest Imperial attorney ruled that vouchers were the law of the land. Never mind that the very law they forced into place to prevent conservatives from doing propositions that would reverse liberal policy now prevented them from getting rid of vouchers. Now a case is going to the Supremely lame Imperial state court. Somehow the black-robed servants of the people and the law have decided that they can rule on whether to follow or disregard the laws. There are no legal or constitutional issues at stake. Only the UGOI are afraid they will lose mind-control of our children.

Now what? We have won every single battle. We passed not one, but 2 laws in favor of vouchers. The UGOI can still send their children to the Imperial Schools if they wish. These schools will have even more money because every student removed from the Imperial schools means an extra 5,000 or so dollars to be split amongst the remaining students. There will be no cut in Imperial funding. The vouchers are from the surplus generated by over-taxing us. The issue is simply that the UGOI wish to control the minds and hearts of our children.

The state is in disarray. What do you do with a bunch of UGOI judges who are holding up the works? Rather than the Imperial governor telling his attorney general to support the current law and removing the obstructing board, he is lying low - secretly hoping that the court will overturn this law. Then what? The Imperial governor appoints the board. The Imperial Judges are not constrained by either law or morality from trying to legislate. Will the legislature re-convene and defund the Supreme idiots? As for as I know, no one since Andrew Jackson has had the guts to tell out-of-control judges that they have no power whatsoever to enforce any of their rulings. Only the executive and legislative branches have this power. It is ridiculous to expect the current governor to help, his appointments are the problem. He could fix this tomorrow if he wished. Will the legislature reconvene? Odds are poor. Will they fix it next year? Already the mocking fingers are making the legislature run for cover.

Who knows? But this is the fight of the next millennium. And to think it is all happening in little old Utah. We must control our children's education so that they can be taught the essential religious and political truths at an early age. Anything else will be surrendering our children to death by liberal education. Yes, we can still pay privately for schooling (for now). But to truly get a critical number of lukewarm parents to send their children to proper schools, we need the vouchers so that they will be willing to pay the difference that a private school might charge. Everyone recognizes that public schools stink - even the UGOI don't try and tell us any numbers about ACT scores and the like. But the lukewarm masses will only do the right thing for their children if they can still but lottery tickets, own several SUV's, and large houses with unoccupied bedrooms. And we need vouchers to do this.

Vincet Veritas MEB

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