Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why they want continued illegal immigration

With polls consistently showing 80% of the American people oppose the current "comprehensive" immigration bill, you would think politicians would be falling all over themselves to condemn this bill. Yet they don't. Why?
It is easy to see how the dominant socialist elite usually deal with a problem like this. Take marriage of those whose only claim is a shared perversion (gay marriage). People overwhelmingly are against this. Or they were. So the politicians pretend to be pro-family. They use words like "pro-family" and the like even as they are working to legalize marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion. Their root belief is simply being against morality and decency. They are also anti-American. These are their core values. Many aren't really for socialism or any other of their disastrous causes that have failed anywhere they have been implemented. They are just unerringly against anything good and decent. But knowing that coming right out to support marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion will lose votes, they pretend otherwise until the media, Hollywood and the rest of the useful idiots can change public opinion. And so now we have Massachusetts where the majority have actually changed their opinions in a very few years to where they support (barely) such marriages. And as soon as that crossover point happened, all the mealy-mouthed politicians voted to not allow the people to decide by a large majority.
But illegal immigration is different. Instead of pretending to be against it until opinion changes, Bush and the other liberals (Bush is not, and never has been, a conservative) are pushing it for all they are worth. Even if it hurts them politically. And it does. Why?
I know that they are immoral and anti-American, but they usually hide it better. The only thing that makes sense is that illegal immigration will destroy America and they will continue it at whatever the cost.
First, they know that by losing this round, the opposition will be tired and take a deep breath. That means the current invasion will continue without much effort to stop it. You can see that this is already happening. Instead of stories on the minute-men and state legislatures voting to deport criminal aliens, we now get stories about how the Senate will resurrect this bill next year because eventually the problem must be dealt with. The debate is now over how many criminal aliens we will let in and not how to stop new ones or deport the old ones. So actually the anti-Americans have won a great victory even though they lost the last vote.
But the longer term answer is provided by author Jerome Corsi who wrote the book "Unfit for Command" about John Kerry and the swift boat experiences. He points out in his current best-seller that illegal immigration is pushed so that the sovereignty of the US can be broken and we will merge even more with Canada and Mexico. Bush and the other North American heads of state signed a "Security and Prosperity" agreement that is being pushed as part of the immigration plan. Note that Kennedy even included in his failed bill provisions to strengthen this illegal and treasonous agreement.
Now it makes sense. Illegal immigration will lead to a quicker weakening of the borders and lead to quicker integration of Canada, Mexico, and the US. And the proof? The statements of the idiots themselves! Over and over again traitors from Bush to Kennedy have come right out and said that this is what they are seeking. Read the book, do a google search, check out New American magazine, etc. if you need convincing.
Illegal immigration is easy to solve and cheap. Look up how a several hundred mile stretch of Texas fixed it without even building a fence and with no extra money. They arrested and jailed for at least 6 months every illegal alien they caught. 6 months is jail with no income, no drugs, no welfare payments for the family, etc and the criminal aliens don't cross there anymore. Problem solved. Build the fence. Check for citizenship with hiring, birth certificates, driver's licenses and the like. Seize any money being wired by criminal aliens and use it to imprison and deport other criminal aliens. Once such things are done, the criminal aliens will deport themselves by the millions when there is no way to continue to plunder the American system.
Vincet Veritas, MEB

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