Thursday, April 03, 2008

Dengue Outbreak in Brazil Leads to Call for Doctors from Repressive Marxist Regime Cuba

That's not really the headline, but if there were any honest journalists left, that's how the headline should read. For the full story see

This simple story illustrates all kinds of ominous things regarding the world's problems. First of all, Dengue is a mosquito-borne illness cause by a a virus called Flavivirus. There are no antibiotics for it, there are no vaccines - in fact there is nothing a doctor can do other than provide supportive care. So it is ridiculous to think 45000 Commie doctors from a regime that has exported violence for 50 years while it's own people starve and are imprisoned and executed can provide any help. Second of all, Brazil is a huge country and has plenty of its own doctors if that really mattered. So one of the ominous things this article shows is the massive, public stupidity that exists in the world. Anyone with a high school education should know that most viruses aren't treatable. And any journalist who is researching this story ought to especially know this, and even more, any government official calling for importing 45000 representatives of a terrorist regime ought to know better.

The state of journalism in the US is pathetic beyond belief. That such a story would be written without commentary and passed by an editor beggars belief. Since the majority of people are dependent on a failed marxist-modeled educational system and an elite-controlled media, there is really no hope of this ever changing without massive change in governmental and societal institutions (read revolution). We deserve to be mis-treated in this way because we let it happen and pay taxes and elect idiots who keep this system going.

Another point is that Cuba has a large excess of well-trained physicians. Castro decided to train lots of doctors because in his addled mind that would mean more money for the economy. Doctors don't help the economy other than helping keep the workers healthy. Castro's socialized medicine budget does not include medications and tests etc. so he has all these trained doctors with no resources. So he sends them around the world for propaganda purposes. Every Latin American country gets Cuban doctors, paid for by Venezuela's Chavez, for propaganda purposes. If you'll remember, after the Katrina flood in New Orleans, some professional racist, (can't remember if it was Jesse Jackson or one of those other professional racists), even sent some flood victims to Cuba. Castro does not do this out of the goodness of his heart; there is a always a quid pro quo like letting in a few hundred "diplomats" to foment marxist revolution. Not a good thing.

Which brings up why Brazil has a marxist government official in the first place. Of course, their current president Lula is a marxist revolutionary, so you would expect to see a trickle-down effect as the lower levels are filled with communists idiots. One of the largest countries in the free world turning Marxist is not a good thing.

Which brings up the whole loss of South and Central America to communism in the last decade. Venezuala's Chavez is a Marxist narco-terrorist. Chile has another socialist just like Allende who was only prevented from turning Chile into another Cuba by the heroic efforts of one of the great men of the 20th century, Pinochet. Evo Morales in Bolivia, and other socialists add up to a complete repudiation of the Monroe doctrine that has kept this hemisphere relatively peaceful for 200 years. And Central America has the Sandinistas back in control and the Chinese Communists controlling the Panama Canal. Ominous signs of a future meltdown.

The main vector (carrier) of Dengue is a type of mosquito Aedes aegypti. This pest was essentially eradicated in the 50's and 60's by spraying DDT. Spraying with DDT is long gone and the countries other than the US have no infrastructure left to spray anyway. Aedes is a household pest that could be controlled by local spraying of buildings which wouldn't harm the environment even if DDT was harmful (and it's not). So Dengue being a problem shows that Brazil has lost the infrastructure necessary for public health measures. As has the rest of the Americas. Another ominous sign.

And so there you have it. A simple public health story shows the advance of totalitarianism, the decay of infrastructure, the stupidity of the press and the public, the loss of meaningful education, the loss of American prestige and inability to enforce the Monroe doctrine, the damage that junk-science environmentalism is doing, and a look at the future. Fiat Lux.

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