Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Good is Evil

Things are happening almost daily that would have been unthinkable just a few short years ago. In short, just like Isaiah in the Bible says, evil is called good and good is called evil.

The US Supreme Court now decides that global warming is caused by human production of CO2 and that the Clean Air act can by used to force compliance with the un-ratified Kyoto protocol. What an incredible chain of demonstrably false claims! Quite similar to Roe v. Wade, based on emanations from a penumbra or some such rot. The Supreme Court of course has no Constitutional powers to comment on pseudo-science, it is not granted the ability to define pollutants, nor can it decide to tell Congress what a law that it passed really means. In a sane world all 5 black-robed minions of Hell would be impeached and hanged for daring to take our liberties. But we no longer live in a sane world, just as Isaiah warned.

Chastity is ridiculed openly. Abstinence is considered impossible. A student in California who was being mocked by anti-religious bigots answered that such statements were "so gay" and is disciplined while the true bigots go unpunished.

Those who practice homosexual behavior are being granted privileges like marriage and adoption based on nothing more than a shared perversion. Anyone who opposes this is crucified. A hapless General notes that homosexual behavior is immoral and he is attacked.

The list goes on and on.

Abraham Lincoln once asked and answered the following question.

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Supreme Court Takes Over Environment

Today's Supreme Court Ruling is ominous. Basically, the Court ruled (5-4) that the EPA must treat CO2 as a polluting gas. This may seem innocuous but if you look at what this ruling means the future of the US just ended - not with a bang or even whimper, but with 5/9 black-robed minions from hell who pretend to be our absolute rulers.

First of all, the court settled the issue of standing once and for all. Standing means whether a suing party has a legal leg to stand on. Standing is what prevents every nut in the world from filing nuisance lawsuits without end. No foreign citizen has standing. Most individual citizens have no "standing" either. So, the local crackpot can't file a million suits a day against President Bush or Speaker Pelosi (depending on political persuasion). Basically, you have to be an injured party and prove harm.

Up until the last part of the 20th Century, various environmental special-interest groups had no standing. But the courts eventually got enough liberals that one ruled that environmental suits were somehow different - and almost anyone could sue. This ruling had the effect of stopping almost every activity involving the environment in the US without extraordinary effort to please the Sierra Club and all other activist organizations. In a sense, the Sierra Club was holding the US hostage. There was no way to build a road across that swamp unless you paid them and their supporters via payments for inflated legal services, environmental impact studies paying Sierra Club members and various other extortion. Oil exploration, mining, timber harvests and timber care operations like thinning were brought to a virtual standstill.

The result was higher prices, off-shoring much of our material acquisition, and lots of money in various extremist's coffers - leading to even more lawsuits etc. This ruling accepts all of the organizations involved as having "standing". Now there will be no limit to lawsuits from extremist environmental groups. The economy will worsen and our balance-of-trade will worsen. The destruction of the US has been a long-term goal of all these organizations anyway. Many pretend otherwise, but they have always sought the destruction of the US as their primary goal. Take the Sierra Club. It's founders and money suppliers were radicals, communists, and communist sympathizers of the worst kind. Over the years, a somewhat benign group of nature-lovers, has turned into a well-funded extremist organization bent on political conquest - and who cares about the environment. You only need to look at this month's national club election to see this. A few years ago, there was quite a fight within the group about illegal immigration and trade etc. Illegal immigrants were worsening overpopulation - which was one of the left's favorite bugaboos for a while. Opponents pointed out that 20 million illegal aliens with high birth rates would harm the environment. The leaders of the Sierra Club realized that their real goal of overthrowing the US was now best served by ignoring population. 20 million new liberal voters would increase liberal power and thus was worth any damage to the environment. In a series of contested elections and parliamentary moves, the opponents were neutralized. Now, basically only candidates approved by the current crop of leftists are allowed to run - that is allowed "standing" if you will. (Fascinating how this group that demanded that anyone be able to sue, now limits who can run for office by not giving them "standing". Just like Jesus said, the evil are often a lot smarter in their way than the good.) The current crop of chosen candidates include a few token opponents of illegal aliens only.

Besides granting standing, the court also gave a windfall to these organizations who can now charge inflated legal services to the US taxpayer for all the work in this suit. Lots of new money to these radical environmentalists will lead to more lawsuits.

Thirdly, the specific ground for the suit was whether the EPA could be forced to do something specific even though there was no granting of such powers in the original law. By allowing a vague regulatory statute to be defined by radical groups suing the government (rather than the agency itself as directed by our government), this opens up all kinds of other similar lawsuits. It's kind of like allowing the inmates to run the asylum. The results will not be pretty for society which will have to fund and enforce the stupid and unproven things that the radical environmentalists can think up.

Fourth, these radical groups are becoming less and less nature advocates and more and more political power brokers. The latest Sierra Club literature is mostly about the evils of Republicans and other conservatives and very little about the environment. Rewarding the bringers of this suit will turn them even more to politics and lawsuits rather than voter education and nature programs.

Fifth, the Clean Air Act that the EPA uses as a guide will be interpreted as ratifying the KYOTO protocol. For those of you who don't know, the Kyoto protocol limits CO2 production by Europe and the US but places no limits on India, China, and the like. Since there are no environmental laws in these places, and their economy is so large and growing so fast, any sane person could see that this law would not help lower CO2 at all - it would only weaken western civilization by limiting our industrial and power production and transportation. We would then have to buy even more stuff from China because we couldn't produce it here. The Kyoto protocol also allows western countries to buy exemptions from other countries - basically extorting money from us. Even though the Constitution requires that the Senate must ratify treaties - and it never ratified Kyoto - by reinterpreting the clean air act, these radicals have bypassed the voters, the Constitution, and Congress by pretending that a previous law already passed included these provisions. Expect world pollution to skyrocket even as the US economy grinds to a halt.

Also, the Supreme Court has taken even more power from the people and the Constitution. Our freedom and right of self-government just suffered a fatal blow.

And the Supreme Court has taken upon itself the role of final arbiter of truth and science. Their opinion states that global warming caused by human activity (CO2 production) is a scientific fact - even though it obviously isn't. ( Or there wouldn't be so many scientists researching and publishing anti- human caused warming research) With this ruling stating that human-caused global warming is fact, anyone can sue anyone and demand that the CO2 production must be lowered. Any road project can be stopped as adding to the CO2. Even the purchase of safety vehicles could be controlled since they produce CO2. Absurd, you say? Well, just hang on and watch what happens and we'll see.

I could go on and on with the ramifications of this disastrous ruling. It will be tragic to see the damage this will do to our children. I expect the US to be a 3rd world country within my lifetime because of this ruling. Sic transit gloria mundi. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."(Ephesians 6.12) And we just lost.

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