Saturday, January 06, 2007

Conservatives Beware!

The 2008 campaign is in full swing. Several candidates have declared; one (Bayh) has already quit. I could care less which liberal wins the Democratic nomination. Clinton, Edwards, Gore, Obama - McCain, Romney or Giuliani. Yes, I know McCain, Romney and Giuliani are Republicans, but they are all liberals and may as well be Democrats. McCain is a social liberal. Giuliani is a social liberal. Social liberal means that they are pro-abortion, pro-marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion, and pro-amnesty of criminal aliens. Romney is more interesting. He was elected as Massachusetts governor as a pro-abortion candidate. To his credit, he took the lukewarm position of being personally opposed, but publicly allowing abortion. Wimpy, but not as bad as straight pro-abortion. I have no idea where he is on illegal immigration. Massachusetts has a large illegal population and Romney never did anything about it. Romney has lately sounded pro-family, but as governor, he never actually did anything pro-family when he could have refused to allow marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion.

But Romney has won my undying opposition for what he did to socialize medicine. Singlehandedly, just as GWB did with the education issue, Romney has turned the Republican party from the party of freedom to just another socialist club. I have been a long and loud critic of much of what the Republicans have done. But they have been magnificent in one area - defending the right for Americans to contract with the physician of their choice. Their Medical Savings Account legislation is one of the greatest accomplishments of the 20th Century. If this ever becomes widespread, socialized medicine would be stopped dead, and the Insurance-industrial-government complex would be obliterated. (So guess what I predict one of the big legislative pushes will be - getting rid of MSA's and instituting more socialism and government control.)

And so conservatives, don't waste your time and money on the Presidential race. The Democrats will probably win anyway. They will also probably win the Congress again, so you can't even use the "But a Republican will appoint conservative Justices" excuse. And if by some miracle, one of the Republicans became President, well we see how much damage GWB has done to the conservative cause from federalizing education to increasing the welfare state by covering prescriptions and committing suicide with criminal aliens. Concentrate on the House of Representatives. Educate the one you have - regardless of party. Many of both parties can be swayed by intelligent constituents who will educate their elected representatives. If you representative is a Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi, then start educating the voters of your district. Find a conservative of impeccable credentials and back him - regardless of "electability" or party affiliation. Don't look for a wimp or a lukewarm moderate. Remember what the Lord says of Moderate Republicans - Revelations 3.15-16 "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."

Well friends, it's time to start spueing. Don't fall for the Schwarzenegger trap. Even if you lose, a well-run conservative campaign will educate the voters and set up a future real victory. Just like when Reagan ran against lukewarm Ford in 1976. Just like Goldwater in 1964. A real conservative campaign will pay off handsome dividends. If the election of 2006 has any lesson, it is this: if we don't start running and talking conservative, there won't be any conservatives left. With the looming acquisition of 20 million criminal aliens who will become instant democrats, we need to start converting liberal voters by the millions.

The war for freedom in America is being lost. The chains of socialism and slavery are growing ever tighter. Cultural institutions from the arts to education have been turned into socialist propaganda machines. Morality and responsibility are openly derided. The very sun seems darkened and the Moon is tinged with blood. (Did you really think such things would not eventually come true whether literally or figuratively?) Our backs are against the wall. There is no place else to run to. We either make a stand here and now, or deservedly fade into history as a people who had it all but sold it for a mess of cheap, foreign-made pottage.

Vincet Veritas, MEB