Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Strong but Vulnerable

The title of today's blog says it all. Isn't this what all the politicians claim? And not just Senator Clinton. With a few exceptions (Paul, Hunter), all of them including Clinton, Romney, Edwards, Obama, Giuliani, Thompson, Huckabee and McCain are short on specifics and long on double-speak. Take "strong but vulnerable". How can you be strong but weak at the same time? I guess you're not so strong as you thought, which makes you not just weaker but self-deluded and stupid as well. Other pairings include honest but pragmatic, humble but proud, violent but peaceful.

Of course Orwell noticed this tendency for our socialistic politicians to not say anything long ago with his 1984 slogans of War is Peace, etc.

Reminds me of a trip I took to Olympic National Park. I went on a ranger hike with a part-time guide who was an Indian. (I don't use Native American because I'm a Native American being born and raised here, and I want no special recognition other than American) This ranger was extolling the virtues of the Indians of the area and their knowledge of plants. He showed us a plant that was good for "settling your stomach, and making you puke".

Obviously a plant can either make you puke or not; it can't do both. I called him on this and told him it was nonsense. He took umbrage. He then began calling us all genocidal racists and said the Indian lifestyle was superior. Now as a conservative American, I have gotten used to being called a genocidal racist anytime I disagree with liberal opinions so it doesn't get me excited like it used to. Plus the ever-present threat of getting tazed if the government agent calls the thugs (cops). But I did point out that it was illogical to claim that the primitive Indians, with the life-span of a well-cared for dog, had a superior civilization to modern Americans. (Except in the old days I could have buried a tomahawk in his back when he wasn't looking without fear of reprisal.)

As the brain-washing from public education, movie and TV, print and government continues, I see more and more of this kind of nonsense. I'll bet at least half of you reading this thought the above slogans were excellent and didn't even notice they were stupid and non-sensical until I pointed it out. What does that say about us? And if you still, even now, can't figure out why I would call them stupid, vote for one of the republicrats above. They'll do a great job of representing the future while repudiating the past. Whatever the hell that means. Vincet Veritas, MEB

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