Thursday, July 19, 2007

How to Win When Liberals Use Names like Bigot and Racist

The tactics used by Liberals in the immigration debate are fascinating to watch. Their techniques are becoming better and better but also more predictable. I recommend reading Patrick Buchanan's "Death of the West" for a longer treatise on how and by whom these tactics were developed. Suffice it to say that labelling is one of the most useful tools.

Who will not think that anyone labelled fascist or racist is bad? And if you say "No, I'm not" then you are left trying to prove something you're not with lame lines like "some of my best friends are black" and "I have queers in my family who I love and respect". And as soon as you say something stupid like that, you've lost.

The proper defense is to go on the attack. Throw in the word "liberal" which is almost as bad as racist to most people. Let them come up with lame excuses and proofs. But more importantly demand that your foe name a specific instance.

Now you have the control. Anything they say will now be about fact rather than emotion. Make them show that they really don't have any instance of racism or fascism to support their name-calling. Then do some name-calling of your own. "Liar" is a good comeback at this point. Other good names are "propagandist", "fascist" and "manipulative". And then add, "since you've lied about this, why should we trust anything that comes out of your cake hole?"

Now you're back on the issues rather than some label and truth is always superior to error when given equal time.

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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