Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Health Care Reform in Massachusetts

Massachusetts passed a health care bill a few years ago under then liberal Republican Governor Mitt Romney. It was to get everyone on insurance and have "health care." The cost of this program keeps climbing but it is a lot. In today's American Medical New the number of uninsured dropped from 400,000 to 360,000. That's it. Spend a billion dollars and insure a few measly thousand people.

So what happened? First of all the numbers are phony. There aren't really that many uninsured. The US Census looked at their phony number of 40 million and found the real number was 8 million. Some people lied, some were too stupid to fill the form out right, some forgot they had insurance, some didn't count medicare and medicaid as insurance - and nearly half of the total number were criminal aliens who won't have health insurance no matter what because they are here illegally.

There are uninsured, but they are that way for a reason. Now anyone with medical needs that didn't qualify for cheap insurance before would quickly sign up now that others would be forced to foot the bill. What this number shows is that most of the uninsured are uninsured through choice. They're young and healthy and don't want to give $10,000 to some insurance executive when they'll spend only $100 on health care.

And so we have a real life experiment showing Romneycare, Hillarycare, and Socializecare are simply giant feel-good boondoggles that will make little or no difference in the problem they purport to solve. All that will happen is the average person will have less money and less time because the government is stealing more than previously.

Wake up before it is too late. Never mind that socialized medicine has been proven a failure for hundreds of years. It quite simply is a violation of God's commandment "Thou shalt not steal". It is wrong to break into your neighbor's house to steal money for you birth controls so you can sleep around. In like manner, it is wrong to vote to have the government steal your neighbor's money for your immoral lifestyle. It is still stealing and God will surely punish us as a nation for doing it. Vincet Veritas, MEB

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