Monday, September 10, 2007


I recently tried to buy a gun to do some target shooting with my oldest son. I went down to the sporting goods store and got there at 5:02. I couldn't buy a gun because it was after 5 and the government computers were down. I returned another day and had to pay money to see if the government would let me buy a gun. This was before I could buy the gun. Then I had to wait. Finally I got the gun.

Now lets suppose this is an emergency. A flood or earthquake or hurricane has come. There is looting in the streets. I need to protect my family now. There is no way you can get a gun. You will be at the mercy of the roving gangs of thugs.

Some of the New Orleans refugees came to Utah. One of my partners volunteered to provide medical care. The people told him hair-raising stories. The local police took off immediately. The federal thugs then tried to take everyone's guns. They didn't help evacuate, or bring food - just took your guns. Then some were herded into the superdome. Decent people grouped together to protect themselves from the thugs. One man described his group's men standing together with sticks and screwdrivers facing down a gang who were looking over their women and belongings. Whether the gang attacked was determined by the relative risk. Was this group willing to fight? How good-looking were their women? Did they have any food? Ask yourself whether you would want a gun in such a situation.

Prior to this, this man had been in a hospital where they had some supplies and arms. They stayed behind locked doors as gangs tried to break in. The police disarmed them and sent them to the Superdome. Ask yourself, wouldn't you like to have a hidden gun at your house?

Exactly what part of "shall not be infringed" is hard to understand? When is the last time any politician, and I mean any politician from dog catcher on up, has showed moral courage and outrage against the unconstitutional gun laws taking away our God-given rights? The most you will get is a weak statement about being in favor of the 2nd amendment rights. But they do nothing.

Read the Constitution. Note that almost every clause is being violated by government today. Realize that this is just a piece of paper with no meaning other than a way to keep you in line by pretending that they respect it. Get mad. Get rid of the incumbents - almost all of them in both parties - unless they have shown courage. They took oaths to defend the Constitution. They have broken those oaths; they need to be punished. Being voted out of office is the least of the punishments they should get. They should be jailed and all their money taken. Then they should work at hard labor for as many years as they have been a politician. Then the worst offenders should be executed. We should have hanging judges again. The 4 black-robed minions of hell on the Supreme Court who voted to force queers to take care of your children in the Boy Scouts should already be swinging. If you think this is severe, read what Christ taught about those who harmed children in the new testament. Something about being better off if they were drowned. (Matthew 18) A gallows on the capitol steps would go a long way to making the rest of the judges behave. The California judges who ignore the vote to keep marriage between a man and a woman should likewise become hanging judges. There are only a very few exceptions. Like Ron Paul and only a very few others. (And for the benefit of the government spies I hereby disavow the above remarks. They are meant only as a satire on what Americans - I mean conspiracy kooks - believe. I personally love Big Brother. I like high taxes. Bring in more criminal aliens to take my job. I love being regulated because I'm too stupid to live on my own. I look forward to my family being plundered and raped after the police have disarmed me. I in no way advocate violence and think that judges are all doing a great job.)

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