Thursday, December 07, 2006

Criminal Aliens Heading for Your Neighborhood

It's all but over. There will be a few whimpers from a few conservatives, but America is lost. There will be a period of fighting. Representative Tancredo, Pat Buchanan and a few others will make some money speaking and writing books. In the Republican Conventions, speakers will still get applause by saying we need to fix immigration now (although there will be nothing specific said). Reminds of Raymond Chandler's famous comment on a political speech, "He did not bore us with any facts."

But with the Liberals in power, and a liberal Republican President who has utterly failed to protect his country by securing its borders, even as he harangues us about being "at war", the only question is how long before the deluge reaches your town, your neighborhood, your schools and your place of employment.

I note today perennial Presidential Candidate Richardson, democratic governor of New Mexico, has announced that Mexicans don't like the idea of a fence, so we should be nice and not build it. Richardson is a savvy politician and wouldn't say this if he though it would hurt him. It won't hurt him in New Mexico, a formerly red state that has turned blue. ( And for those of you who don't understand this "red state"/"blue state" terminology, this term comes from the color of states in recent election maps. Republican states are colored red and democratic states are colored blue. So a red state is mostly Republican and a blue state is mostly Democratic.)

Yes, I know that currently the majority of Americans in New Mexico oppose letting criminal aliens into the US. But New Mexico has gone liberal with an influx of cultural liberals and they will vote for Richardson anyway. The few real conservatives won't vote for Richardson anyway and the remaining Republicans are so disorganized trying to defend a liberal President Bush as a "conservative" that bringing this issue up will only divide them further. The Republican party hacks are mostly liberals, closet child-molesters, and neo-con socialists who openly support illegal immigration so that their multi-national stock portfolios will keep going up with the cheap labor keeping industry labor costs low.

The criminal alien lobby consists of the rich who will profit from cheap labor, and the left who always are looking for ways to hurt the US. Since this group controls the media, the average American struggling to get by and be nice will follow along eventually. This lobby will keep calling anyone against illegal immigration "racist" and the like.

The Mexicans, Salvadorans, etc. will continue to pour over the border. 50% of them would come to the US today if possible. They do not at all wish to be Americans, they simply want to get better jobs and any welfare benefits they can come up with. From their point of view, the only rational thing to do is to come here. They have a corrupt government and police, organized crime, no education, no jobs and no future. Remember that just last year, the entire Mexican legislature just about legalized drugs. This would basically surrender the country to the drug lords.

The Republicans failed to secure the borders. The Democrats will essentially open the border even more.

I don't think any rational person can come up with anyone or any set of events that will change this invasion. You can pretend that maybe the next election will bring the Republicans back to power. So what? They haven't done anything now, why will that change in the future? No one thinks there will be anything other than bare majorities in the near future. Bare majorities with RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) will not secure the border.

So to review. With Democrats in the legislature and a liberal President, criminal aliens will become registered voters by the millions when they receive amnesty and citizenship. And what do you think that means in a country where presidential elections are decided by 200 votes in Florida? These voters are socialists and we will see the end of our Constitutional Republic. Oh, its trappings will be there. But liberal judges will continue to legislate. Institutions will stay liberal. No new voters will be educated in American, conservative principles because there will be no place to learn such principles.

The only question is what will this invasion do? Well first of all, these criminal aliens are criminals. They have broken the law just to get here. This matters because why on earth would we expect them to obey other bothersome laws from traffic laws to littering? They are violent. See the statistics if you don't believe me. They breed like rabbits (at our expense). They overwhelm schools, social services and the like. And they are all socialists or communists at heart. They all firmly believe that government exists only to give them everything possible. And that is the heart of the matter. A civilization like ours is based on individual morality and responsiblity. We don't need cops at corners like Latin American countries because we obey laws. They don't.

Yes I know there are exceptions. Some are fine family people. Some are religious. Some work hard. But how many? 10%? Even 50%? Then even that number means 10 million sponges and criminals have come into our country. I'll say it again. 10 million. And no country can cope with 10 million invaders.

Is there any hope? No. Even though there are a majority who oppose criminal aliens, their representatives don't. Oh, a few may pretend - just like President Bush who "opposes" illegal immigration but busily tries to solve the criminal problem by declaring them not to be criminals- but they aren't really serious. And will the people then elect different representatives? Who? The Democrats are even worse. Any truly conservative Republican almost never gets past the earliest stages of the political process. And the process is controlled mostly by liberals. Take California. Many years ago they passed Proposition 187 that said criminals had no right to extort welfare services from their victims. (That such a proposition was even needed demonstrated that the battle was already lost) Liberal judges from years of liberal appointments struck it down. The legislature or the executive government could have fixed this easily. Impeach the judges. Defund the courts. The governor who rules the law enforcing arm of the government could simply refuse to follow the black-robed minions from hell. But they didn't. They whined a little about the injustice of it all, but their inertia and reverence for the rule of law and fear of the cultural mafia castrated them and they allowed the illegal and unjust ruling to stand.

Then California went broke. And the Republican hacks abandoned a Republican who could have done something and brought in a liberal - Schwarzenegger. With all the criminal aliens in California, and the liberals and the rest who are too timid to elect real representatives, the situation will only worsen. So there go 55 electoral votes. Add New York, New England and various other states and it is almost impossible to win again. And it will only worsen. And there is no way to convert the people. The only institutions that could help are talk radio ( and the young don't listen) and a few churches that grow more liberal each year. Not enough to oppose education, arts, politics, media and government.

So there is no hope. What should we then do? Well, of course, we will fight on, gradually losing. Is there a victory strategy? No. We would have to close the borders and we just lost the last chance for that in the forseeable future. We can only defend and educate our families. If we are lucky, the school system will soon fail or become so intolerable that even more children will leave for home-schooling or private schooling. And if we can get enough moral people, we can take back what we have lost.

Our opponents know that. That's why they fight vouchers so strongly. And if they can destroy the middle class by bringing in cheap labor and outsourcing our industries, no one will have enough money to go to a private school. So that leaves only home schooling.

And so the thing that we should most oppose is government getting control of or making home schools illegal. And that's all that is left for us to defend.

I look at my children. My few minutes a day are probably inadequate to reverse the other 20 hours of indoctrination. I take them to church where half the people are closet liberals, so nothing clear can be taught that is even remotely political in nature. Here in "conservative" "Mormon" Utah, a pro-family proposition for marriage was on its way to defeat and suffering from almost no public support until the Church leaders came out publicly for it. And I suspect that the people of my state are as good as it gets in the US. (And the world since elsewhere things are even worse.) But even they were so morally bankrupt and so cowed by political correctness that they wouldn't even support this proposition until threatened with hellfire for not following a Prophet's advice. The future doesn't look bright.

And yet, my children are Patriotic. They go to church. They believe in individual responsibility. And maybe you can do the same with your children. And so on. And maybe, somewhere in the future, we can take back what once was ours and has been lost by apathy and perfidy. What other alternative is there?

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