Thursday, November 09, 2006

Former Representative Kolbe of Arizona representative of why Republicans lost

Here's a link to an article about Rep. Kolbe of Arizona in my local newspaper -
Go to page 11 for the article.

"In Arizona, retiring GOP Rep. Jim Kolbe said he hopes the Republican losses “cause a serious reexamination of our party’s roots and directions.” Kolbe, who has held his seat for 22 years, will be succeeded by Giffords. “If Republicans are to provide leadership for our country, we must get back to the fundamentals of our party — an emphasis on national security, fiscal discipline, reducing government’s role in our daily lives, embracing immigrants from other parts of the world, and a commitment to economic growth through lower taxes and increased trade,” he said."

Now Kolbe is a perfect example of why Republicans lost. He is a leader in a party of cultural conservatism that is pro-family. And yet he was practicing perversion (homosexual behavior) in the closet. And just as bad, he was corrupt (currently under investigation). No wonder the Republicans lost - they were (and are) a party of hypocrites. Kolbe has a lot of nerve making comments on what Republicans need to do. I have a suggestion for him and others like him - keep your pants on, stay away from boys, and don't be a crook. Now that's not too much to ask, is it?

And even worse, Kolbe is still stirring up trouble by trying to keep the Republicans doing all the things that lost them the election. Yes, "national security" is important. Maybe that's why we should have never gone in Iraq, which was not a threat to the US and the arabs could take care of themselves if Saddam tried invading Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States. And if they didn't resist, well that's too bad for them, but why should I send my son and my taxes over there if they won't even defend themselves? And from a cynical point of view, who cares which thug sells us oil? Saddam is a mass murderer, no doubt. And an evil man. But why should the US have to do something about it? And Hussein was a counter-balance to worse nut-cases in Iran. Yes, Rep. Kolbe, it is time to care about American Security - not world, not European, not Middle East - but American Security. And Kolbe still doesn't get it.

"Fiscal discipline" is also important. That's why the party that hugely expanded the welfare state through things like buying drugs for the senior crowd (the demographic group with the highest disposable income) paid for by borrowing and taxing young, working families who have the least disposable income deserved to lose. The Republicans actually managed to do worse than the Communists - they didn't take from the haves to give to the have-nots - they took from the have-nots and gave to the rich.

"Reducing government's role" is also a worthy goal. Too bad, Rep. Kolbe didn't practice what he's preaching. He and others like him including GWB have vastly increased government's power. Just look at how much of recent job growth is due to increase in size of government. And all this "growth" is actually a net loss to the economy because government workers produce nothing useful. They only produce paperwork and restrictions on the rest of us.

"Embracing immigrants" is exactly what lost Kolbe's successor the primary election. Is Kolbe mentally deficient? Never mind that the demographics of the criminal aliens are 85% liberal. Kolbe must think Republicans are idiots. (Well, actually he's right, because they kept electing him for 22 years) Americans oppose immigration 2 to 1 right now. How would adopting a position contrary to the wishes of Americans help the Republican party? (And remember this guy was a Republican leader - no wonder they lost)

"Lower taxes" are also a great idea but how about lower spending? Again, Kolbe demonstrates that the Republican leadership just doesn't get it.

And last "increased trade". Kolbe is off base on this one also. What he really means is importing more foreign-made goods and exporting American manufacturing and jobs. And the Republicans should be against this - not for it. If there is any hope for Republicans (and I don't think there is or they would be saying different things) this issue alone may hold promise of wresting control back from the Democrats. If the Republicans would equalize the playing field by imposing hefty tariffs and limiting our balance of trade, they could appeal to the blue-collar Democratic middle class that voted so heavily Democratic. But as long as GWB is President, this won't happen, so I expect a worse loss of Republicans in the house in the next election. Yes, you heard it first from me - I predict the Democratic margin in the House will go up - not down - in the next election because there is no sign that the Republican leadership has learned anything.

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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