Thursday, November 30, 2006

Get US out of the UN!
The urge to impose democracy on the unwilling world has really gotten us into trouble again. Like all UN sanctified wars (Korea,Vietnam, Iraq, etc.) , the Iraq war is now out of control and we are planning withdrawal without fixing the problems. And I'll bet you didn't even notice the brief UN Security Council Vote to keep us in Iraq.
The same countries that complain about US "imperialism" want us there to stabilize the area.
But what this mess points out most strongly is that the UN has to go.
First of all, if you have any feelings of fairness or democracy, the UN is the agency that least represents these values. The balance of power is held by countries in Africa and Asia that are not even viable. Basically they are corrupt kleptocracies designed to enrich the ruler, the rulers' family and a select few elite. These same elite send a representative to the UN where they can live high on the hog and spend American money (since we pay most of the operating expenses). This group of crooks are the least democratic group of people you could ever imagine. And they hold all the power, and this will never change.
Therefore, along with getting out of Iraq since winning is not something that will happen with the liberals controlling Congress, we also need to get out of the UN and stop giving it money. This is the only right thing to do to help the oppressed masses that are misruled by these criminals.
Second, notice the votes about Israel - labelling them aggressors, ordering them to surrender, and never even mentioning that daily rocket attacks from a neighbor is an act of war that the Israelis have a perfect right to go to war over. Usually only the US votes against these. Israel doesn't even get to vote. (How democratic is that?) Australia, which currently has a conservative government usually supports us. And that's it. None of the African countries, none of the Europeans (some of whom bravely abstain), none of the Pacific Islanders whose very existence depends on our aid. Not Germany, not Japan, not Korea, not Haiti, not El Salvador, not Chile, not Mexico, not Panama, not Costa Rica, not any one of a hundred countries who owe their very existence to the US. What kind of democratic assemblage ever votes 200 to 2 on some controversial issue? Further evidence of the lack of morality, and lack of fairness at the UN.
The John Birch Society, a non-political organization of patriots and of which I am a proud member, has for years pushed the slogan "Get US out of the UN" and "Get the UN out of the US" has been right all along.
Vincet Veritas, MEB

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