Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Liberals shedding their sheep's clothing

In just the few days since the election, the gloves have come off and the democrats aren't even bothering to pretend they are conservative. Unlike the Republicans who were so reticent about using their power, the Democrats have no such compunction.

Quite a few Republican commentators are blathering about how Americans are still conservative. Oh yeah? Says who? They voted in a rogues gallery of committee chairmen from Rangel to Waters to Conyers. They rejected marriage protection in "conservative" Arizona and barely passed it in other states. They lost abortion restrictions in South Dakota. They lost Missouri's cloning/stem-cell debacle. Even attorney generals like the one in Kansas who actually came out publicly with a conservative stand went down in flames. And haven't school boards who were for intelligent design all lost? I could go on and on. How can the same commentators who thought the Republicans would do ok, continue to keep their heads in the sand and pretend that there is not an on-going shift in demographics?

The only thing they can turn to are polls which are notoriously easy to bias just by how you ask or preface a question. In an America where real freedom of speech has gone the way of the dodo (Did you ever hear a single Republican candidate point out that homosexual behavior is wrong, immoral, or perverted?), people often answer polling questions based on how they wish to be perceived, not how they truly believe. Take the black exit polls for example. Almost 100% claim to vote Democratic but 15-20% actually vote Republican in black districts. But you would never know by asking. The reason is the conservative blacks have (correctly) observed that saying they voted Republican and being found out or overheard will lead to persecution for them and their families.

Well that same principle works in reverse. People recognize that conservative positions are inherently fair and moral. It is wrong, for example, to steal - even if such theft comes by government forced legal plunder and taxation. They know this deep in their waffling hearts. And so they will all claim to be for lower spending. But when it comes time to actually say that less money needs to be spent on welfare, they run screaming from the camera that they are "compassionate" conservatives (a la GWB- thanks a lot for nothing.) and really have no intention of cutting spending. And we will see more and more of this as the liberals consolidate their power. The liberals have controlled the cultural institutions of this country for way too long to expect anything different in the future. Have you seen the numbers on conservative versus liberal in the under 30 crowd? Shudder if you haven't, because they look really, really bad. With liberals in control of print and television media, arts, literature, education of all levels, main-stream religion and almost everything else you can think of, there is no source for people to learn conservatism. Do you really think your average 18 year old listens to talk radio? So there is no prospect for change and the Republicans utterly failed to advance conservative ideas, being too caught up in molesting boys, spending money, and making crooked deals to actually try and educate the public. And so the self-labelling polls where more voters call themselves "conservative" than "liberal" are really meaningless.

And to return to the true colors of the Democrats: 1) Hillary has restored socialized medicine 2) Democrats are already talking of raising taxes (under the guise of fiscal responsibility) 3)Pelosi's constituents are already drooling over impeachment prospects 4) Iraq being abandoned is just a matter of when - not if (And I agree on this point. No reason to waste american lives if we're not going to fix the problem which would require some really heavy fighting and casualties. I just point this out to show that the Democrats are liars who just pretended they weren't going to surrender in Iraq) 5)Unindicted Abscam co-conspirator Murtha is being pushed for head of Heimatland Sicherheit (homeland security in German) - and so much for the 'fight corruption' lies of the Democrats. 6) Any conservative like Bolton will never be confirmed. And the list goes on and on.

And just a word on spineless republicans - They still control both houses. Why don't they confirm Bolton and about 10,000 ultra-conservative judges? What do they have to lose? They've already lost their jobs, their political power and their souls. Satan's hellfire awaits and the flames are growing higher. Why not go out with a bang? But you know and I know that they are morally bankrupt and fit only for being opposing political commentators on some political show that comes on at 2 AM.

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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