Monday, November 13, 2006

Closing In
Part III - Speaking your mind may well lose your job

Not too long ago, I responded to an on-line question from someone who wanted information to counter claims that homosexual behavior is genetically determined. I wrote an answer complete with footnotes refuting this view. (To this day, there is almost no evidence that this is the case) Now in the end, it doesn't matter whether or not there is a genetic component to such behaviors - it doesn't matter if you are pre-disposed to alcoholism, drug addiction, adultery, violence, child abuse, child molestation, theft or any other sin - these actions are still morally wrong.

But there is little evidence that there is a genetic component to any of these behaviors. Twin studies for example have never found more than a 50% concordance for any of the above behaviors - and many are much less - indicating that choice and environment are probably the greatest determinants. There have been many attempts to link genetics to homosexual behavior. The reason you don't see any of these studies is that they are all unable to find this link. For a while, there were 2 or 3 studies that have been refuted. One was done by someone who practiced homosexual behavior and found an obscure part of the brain was smaller in men who practiced homosexual behavior. Others who studied the same thing later found this not to be true and the researcher used bias, subjects who had died of AIDS (wouldn't be all that surprising that such a devastating illness might also affect the brain), and non-random selection. Another study had some of the main researchers charge each other with fraud and lying about the data. Anyway, there still isn't any evidence. An editorial in Scientific American pointed this out not long ago. And there are lots of papers showing that homosexual behavior is mostly or completely learned.

Now, anyone reading this may disagree with me. They may point out one of the refuted papers. Or bring up evidence they feel shows things differently. Or (and this is the most common liberal reasoning) because they feel something really, really, really strongly, then it must be true. All of that is just fine with a conservative. A conservative would not for a moment consider doing you harm because you disagreed.

And by the way, I refuse to use the word "gay" to label those who practice homosexual behavior. Gay means happy - not perverted. Interestingly, I note that teens use the word "gay" to mean stupid - which I think is only fair since those who practice homosexual behavior twisted a nice word to their purposes. I feel that people are more than their sexual behavior - for good or ill. I refuse to label other people this way. We're all people - begotten sons and daughters of Deity (if you believe that kind of thing), and we all have divine potential.

Anyway, after I posted an answer to that comment I got a summons from the legal department of the company I worked with. Apparently, those who practice homosexual behavior have a network that monitors print and internet media for material damaging their cause. They respond to it in a variety of ways -letters to the editors, anonymous threats, and complaints to local discrimination agencies and employers. It turns out this large company that bought my little company (Phycor) had some kind of lawyers who ran a department that somehow felt it had power to tell employees what to think, say and write about moral, religious and scientific matters - even if your expressions were done on your time, at home, and on your own equipment. And even though this company would shortly go bankrupt, destroying millions of investors dollars, they still had time to investigate an anonymous complaint made by some cowardly little puke who practiced homosexual behavior. Now, I went to this meeting loaded for bear. The 2 administrators who read the post laughed at the whole mess and that was that. But that I had to even respond to such crap shows that this homo lobby has way too much respect and power. To think, an anonymous claim, where the motivation of the claimant is unknown could cause me trouble. And what if the administrator who fielded the complaint had practiced homosexual behavior? Would I have been fired, disciplined or worse - sent to sensitivity training - a kind of moral brainwashing? Just because I noted there is no proof of genetic links to immoral behavior of any kind?

One more example of the coming totalitarian state. You know and I know this will just get worse. In Canada, saying that the Bible preaches homosexual behavior is wrong can get you imprisoned and fined. It's just a matter of time before it comes here. I note that 7 of the 8 states who tried to make marriage based on nothing more than a shared perversion (the proper label for "gay" marriage) succeeded in protecting marriage for now. But in none of them was the margin very large. Arizona actually defeated marriage laws. Only 2 years ago, such laws passed by large margins in even Massachusetts and California. The handwriting is on the wall. Mene, mene, tekel upharsin. (We are being weighed, and are found wanting, and our kingdom will be taken from us) Faggot is treated like the n-word. Anyone who points out homosexual behavior is wrong is labelled fascist or racist.

Not long after my internet comment, I wrote an editorial in the local paper outlining these same points. I received so much opposing mail - much of it hate mail calling me names - that the paper printed a letter saying no more responses to my editorial would be printed. Also, they never printed even one letter in my support, even though several people mailed me copies of these letters - so I know they were sent. Again, this group of people supporting immoral behavior monitors all the media. So if you are thinking of speaking out against them, be warned, you'll be made to pay for it. Worse, your children will be made to pay for it when closeted teachers insult your children or "friends" no longer talk to you or your spouse. But don't think I'm discouraging you. I encourage getting the truth out there. If we allow the liars to repeat their same lies over and over without opposition, some will believe what they say is true. Goebbels learned this lesson well and the immoral lobby has learned it well. (Isn't it interesting that the Nazis like Goering and Goebbels who came up with this concept of repeating lies over and over until they were accepted reportedly practiced homosexual behavior themselves? But I digress)

And a word to those unfortunate individuals who find themselves practicing these behaviors or even tempted by these behaviors. These behaviors are wrong. They are damaging mentally, physically, morally, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. You can act morally by not succumbing to these behaviors. God will help you if you ask. Your loved ones will help you if you ask. Pastors, priests and counselors will help you if you ask. God guarantees in the Bible (1 Corinthians 10.13) that he will not give any of us a temptation that we can't overcome. Please realize that pointing out your behavior is wrong is actually the nicest, most respectful thing that can be done. Letting wrong behavior go uncorrected would be like letting a 2 year old play in a busy street because he wants to and gets mad if we try and stop him. (Not that you are 2 year old's - but I think you get my point)

Anyway, just another example of how free speech is being stamped out it America

Vincet Veritas, MEB

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